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Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 20th, 2008, 11:12 pm
by Jovian2k
Well we all drive in them, but what else have you done in your MX-3's?
I have slept in mine (2x, roomate had a girl in the room once and other time I was stranded in Hilton Head,SC)
This weekend I also had sex in my car for the first time, I had gotten road head before but I'm glad my MX-3 could share in the moment!

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 20th, 2008, 11:18 pm
by solo_ryder
Hahah sex eh, thats a tight squeeze in this car! I have slept in my car a number of times, in the middle of highways and such

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 20th, 2008, 11:50 pm
by onlytrueromeo
I let my girlfriend drive the car one time, cuz I was tired, and she woke me up when she was driving because she thought she had gotten lost. So I crawled into the back hatch while we were driving to my stash of maps and spread them out in the back and told her where to go.....maybe not the SAFEST thing, as I didnt have a seatbelt at the time, but I thought it was funny.

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 20th, 2008, 11:56 pm
by K8Boosted
I was fortunate enough to have sex in the back hatch area with the backseats folded down and hatch opened up... on my 17th b day
The 3 best things in my life My girl my mx and sex

Never thought a car could actually get u girls..

i met my high school sweet heart through the mx. she came to a car show with a her friend and we just hit it off.. Come to think it was worth giving up sports for cars

No road head ever :( high school girls in my area think its to degrading

thank god i got reclining race seats
I will not drink and drive i made that promise to myself.. So i sleep end up sleeping in it a-lot
i keep a blanket in the spare tire compartment

Great thread idea !!!!

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 1:43 am
by NorCalMX3
One time when i was going up to go snowboarding, my heater decided to crap out on me so i drove the whole way up with my head outta the window... man that was cold, but the defrosters didn't work after the condensation turned to ice...

that was back when i had my RS

not too unusual, but prolly to people passing me...

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 2:06 am
by Vanished
Oh dear god. At first when i read this thread I was like 'haaa, this can't be for real'

then it was.

Well, lets just say yes, yes, and yes. and to add, I have played a mad game of halo in my car, and plan on having a rock band session in my car, just to say that i did it. with the drums and all. I have driven with my head out the sun roof before, for a little while

I have also had a dance party in my car. it eventually expanded into my garage tho.

I've had people puke in my car once, and two people puke outside my car but still being seated in the car.

I nearly had a lady urinate in my car, never quite happened (dang)

I had two people hide on me while I was driving, in the hatch area..first day i got the car. very scary actually, took me a while to figure it out...

Actually the worst/funniest/unusal thing that ever happened in my car is when I squeezed a tube of super glue in my eye. I blinked once and my eye was stuck shut. SCARY. My buddy had to scrape the inside of my eyelid with freakin tweezers and rinse out the glue. Then proceeded to drive down the highway, 10 mintues later. BAD IDEA.

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 7:38 am
by meaty
when I had my RS, we had several 'parties' in it. by that, I mean getting drunk in the car with five or six other people while sitting in my apartment complex's parking lot because my roomie had a girl over. I also had friends ambush me several times by hiding in the hatch.

not even three days after getting my GS, I was the designated driver for my group of friends, and had to drive one home. He'd already been throwing up for an hour, so I assumed he was done.... WRONG. I evaluated the damage the next day, and noticed he'd puked on and in my car... somehow, he even managed to get it on the headliner! No matter though, as I visited my mom the next day, and she has a full arsenal of cleaning supplies, hahaha. :throwup:

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 11:02 am
by solo_ryder
Oh yea, I have had my car be a center-peice for a few parties outside, some as big as 50 ppl lol. Got the doors and hatch open bumping the stereo while the fire is going. Girls dancing in front hahaha. Good times :)

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 12:19 pm
by OldMan
Last week I used my MX to round up a young calf that had got thru a fence. I could'nt catch him on foot but he let me drive up beside him. So I grabbed him around the neck and lead him back to the gate. He must have liked the car because he did not try and get away. He just trotted along side with my arm wrapped around his neck and me half way out the window. The man that owned the calf thought it was hilarious. He said that the next time he had any cattle get loose he was going to call me and ask that I bring my MX-3 horse. :P


Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 1:19 pm
by onlytrueromeo
LOL oldman wins

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 1:24 pm
by Custommx3
Seconded! Atleast he did say it was a jackass...

Cause he could use the PUN, I got a-- in my MX-3.

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 1:52 pm
by Tropical Emerald 1993
Oldman wins :2thumbsup:

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 3:44 pm
by solo_ryder
AHAHHA thats wild

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 4:19 pm
by TREVO123
Have been the music at partys in my car just pulled it up to the fire pit for ppl to listen, lots of ppl fun time, have had sex in it to,, done lots of crazy stuff with it..

Re: Unusual things you have done in your MX-3...

Posted: January 22nd, 2008, 10:14 am
by Mooneggs
man you name it has happened in one of my mx-3's... lol some of the best are:
I've played PS2 (NFS: MW) while driving :shock:
I used to have an N64 in the car and all 4 of us were playing goldeneye 007 while driving...
bumped my uber loud system at parties (when I had my 4 - 12" subs)
I worked a second night job for 3 and a half years... I lived too far away to go home so I would sleep for 4-6 hours in my car every day - during the winter I brought alot of blankets and during the summer open the sunroof and have the windows down...
took the hatch off one of my mx-3's and drove that way for the summer...
my cat gets really carsick but I have to transport her when I moved so one time I was driving and she got out of the cage, jumped down over on me and pooped and peed all over me and on my feet while I was driving lol :x

my question is how many people have you fit into an mx-3? I've had 8 :D and of course me being the pimp that I am, 6 out of the 8 were girls :mrgreen:

those are just a few experiences I can think of... there are tons more lol
ask anybody who knows me and they will say that the mx-3 has been a major part of my life!