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Vent air leak (cold air)?

Posted: January 15th, 2008, 4:41 am
by JNeil
Hey guys, I did a search and found nothing on this topic so might as well ask.

I just bought my '93 GS on Friday and it's awesome. However my first passenger in the car complained about cold air circulating around the passenger side foot area, I turned on the heat to feet and he stopped whining. But out of curiousity I went and looked underneath.

Right above where a passenger would put their feet is a black plastic air duct thing that i assume attaches to the blower motor on one side. This duct is leaking on both sides (massively), it might as well not even be there. My question is can i replace the part to make it work properly (or is there a way to make the one thats there fit properly) or should I just be cheap and duct tape it up?

I assume fixing this leak will also make my heat blow harder, which would be nice considering it's getting cold again.

I can provide pictures tomorrow during the day if needed.

Thanks for any help :D

Edit: When I went through the car wash for the first time water also leaked in somewhere in the passenger side, maybe through this duct? Any ideas?

Re: Vent air leak (cold air)?

Posted: January 15th, 2008, 1:31 pm
by jason5151
two words "duct tape",you answered for your own thread.
or just buy new or used at the dealer or wreckers!