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HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 4:53 pm
by V8KOMX3
Is anyone else in the U.S.A. worried about this bill?
Its puts a real fear in me.
Thought crimes what are we coming to?

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 5:16 pm
by Mnemonic
Doesn't conflict with freedom of speech? as well as the right to privacy? since the act basically allows them to monitor everything about you, your phone calls, your emails, your bank accounts everything... I don't think this act will pass but if it does thats messed up... Sigh whats next Martial Law? I can't believe I went into the military and defended my country for this kind of crap...

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 5:19 pm
by Custommx3
Im moving to Canada! :)

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 5:20 pm
by Mnemonic
you think jeff has room lol :)

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 5:26 pm
by Custommx3
He better make room. :)

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 6:39 pm
I'll always have room for my friend Barry!! I don't want the rest of you rednecks though!! One is more then enough!! :-p



Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 7:50 pm
by Mnemonic
OOOOOH CANADA WE LOVE YOU WITH OUR HEART..blah blah blah blah blah... And when we think about you it makes us want to fart!!!! lol Jk to the canadians :) you peeps are cool with me, except jeff he's just a dirty ol canuck

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 7:57 pm
by Tunes67
Apparently you guys havent heard that the Canadian Government is all but outlawing racing (even track racing) by 2009. ;) The end of racing in Canada.. oh well.. its not like you guys were any good at it anyway ;) Help me Brian Boitano! Help me Avril Lavigne! Help me Gordon Lightfoot! :lol: :welder:

Click Here for more information (serious)


Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 15th, 2008, 11:42 am
by Mooneggs
we can all move to canada it will be the great ZE migration of 2008

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 15th, 2008, 2:14 pm
by onlytrueromeo
Well, hopefully we will have a new president soon, unless this presidency goes so far as to do away with democracy in its entirety. And if we are to get a new leader, I hope it will be someone better than we have now, and they will end our "do nothing" congress and bring back some sense of intelligence in this fair land......

Otherwise, yeah, I'm either movin to Canada or Alaska (its not really connected to the rest of the states....) and if I do I promise I'll build a giant private racetrack and hold semi annual mx-3 meets and we can all race around on the track during the 1-2 month period of non-snow/ice :wink:

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 15th, 2008, 4:16 pm
by V8KOMX3
if things really did get crazy ya'll can move to Canada I'll take America back :freak:

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 16th, 2008, 7:53 am
by mx3autozam
Mooneggs wrote:we can all move to canada it will be the great ZE migration of 2008
ya but won't be any fun because we won't get to race, cuz tracks will be

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 19th, 2008, 5:50 am
by NorCalMX3
Mooneggs wrote:we can all move to canada it will be the great ZE migration of 2008

Yes... Leave all of us "slow car-ers" behind....

lol :D

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 19th, 2008, 6:10 am
by onlytrueromeo
well, apparently we'll be the ones who dont get the cars taken away anyway as they are confiscating "racing" cars....haha

And you sure are up early...I just cant sleep.....happens when I drink sometimes

Re: HR 1955

Posted: January 19th, 2008, 8:56 am
by neutral
V8KOMX3 wrote:Is anyone else in the U.S.A. worried about this bill?
Its puts a real fear in me.
Thought crimes what are we coming to?
Hadn't heard about this before so I read the bill -it's very short. No real fear here (yet) cuz it appears to simply authorize a commission to generate 2 interim 6 mos. reports and a final report of findings/recommendations within 18 mos, after which, the commission must disband within 30 days. Methinks it is worth watching closely @whatever this special commission comes up with, then decide if real fear is warranted based on its report and any followup legislation. For now at least, watch and wait to see what else Congress and the commission defines in the report. At least the shrubber's reign will be a pathetic memory 18 mos. out and sanity of a sort can maybe prevail. Or... it could morph into a classic true 1984 prediction ala George Orwell. :shrug: I did drop an email of concern to my congressional reps, hopefully protected somewhat by the proxy server I used to send it. ya right, no real fear here!