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Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 3:00 pm
by hgallegos915" onclick=";return false;

they are talking on how its dangerous and how people can get killed. They are correct.

fwd to

1:10 and theres a white mx3.

anyone here get busted?

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 3:13 pm
by hgallegos915
OH MY GOD.. whose is this green mx3 with a black carbon fiber hood!!!?? :O

at 1:27...

its def someone from here look it has clear corners! cf hood and pins!

these are NEWS videos, not random race videos. This is of documentaries.

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 5:14 pm
by Custommx3
You street race.. your car should be taken, period.

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 6:41 pm
by Limegreen mx-3
everyone has done it before at one point in there life

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 7:58 pm
by 96mx-3
who every owns that mx-3...why would u let 2 people sit on ur hood...:(

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 9th, 2008, 12:37 am
by Mooneggs
Limegreen mx-3 wrote:everyone has done it before at one point in there life
x2 unfortunately during my bad years I made it on the news twice :!:

I'm not proud of what I have done and my advice to anyone considering it "just don't do it".

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 9th, 2008, 11:24 am
by OutlaW
This is a facts post, not a proud post :(

i used to be one of the most active members in the portuguese streetracing scene, again not proud of it, but that's just the way it was ...
In 2004 , i was almost every night on the biggest bridge in Europe, ( Portugal's own Vasco da Gama bridge , a 17 kms straight with 3 lanes ) either with my first car , or my second car .
In those days, street-racing was at the beginning here in Portugal, and the Citroen Saxo Cup ( my car ) was the car to have.
After about 3 or 4 months of constant street-racing madness, one night i was ending home and i saw another Saxo Cup that was very strong. I wanted to get him for ever, but we never raced until that night.
Well, to cut this short, we started racing, pulled from about 2nd ... i was in front till about 220kmh , when his car got passed me because it was built for top speed. My car only got till about 235kmh, he passed me and we keept on going .
We were racing in a highway, not the bridge... so when we got into a really long downhill curve, he was scared to make it at that speed and braked. I also braked and with my car lowered 60mm on the front, and 80mm at the back ... the back wheels locked and the car was sideways @ about 230kmh...
I went off the highway, for about a 1/6 mile on trees.
i was 2 months in the hospital, 1 of those months in a coma.
i went into phisical rehad to get a normal life again, and it's all over right now .

If i can, ill post a picture of my car when they pulled me out of it, that is something that i like to show ... because accidents happen ... but if we push our luck, they happen more likely.

And now something that i explain everyone:
What do i have to show my kids when im older about those wild streetracing days ?
that's right, nothing at all
At least on a dragstrip, or a track course ... if i win i get the prize money and a trophy to show when im older
On the street you can only lose

Here we have a way to show a streetracer:
Someone that has a small di*k, and is allways triyng to measure his di*k through his car ...

take care, dont street-race ... W.O.T. with a friend is one thing , street-racing is another :x :evil:

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: January 9th, 2008, 11:59 pm
by jason5151
Good story Outlaw this thread needs to show more of the consequences,like losing your license,paying outragious fines and the legal ramifications to deter street racing as a hobby!
because all the above options pale in comparison to the loss of life from street racing!
then say goodbye freedom,goodbye license and goodbye car now walking will be your only mode of transport or bus or bike!
that is if your lawyer manages to keep you from jail time!

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 25th, 2008, 12:22 pm
by wickedmx3
This is actually a good thread to post stories like this because it is the truth. Street Racing is just plain dumb, and it is true we all have had moments like this in our lives and directly or indirectly it is still stupid.

I had gotten my MX about 2 months before, I had already started some light mods on it. A friend hit me up and told me about some street racing not to far from the house. I had been thinking about doing some racing as I was all excited about my new ride (you all know that feeling). I get to the spot and park. A long stretch of road, well lit but all industrial, no one around at 1am.

I start watching people, line up and take their runs, all the while trying to decide if I should put my baby up there for the challenge. I see a very impressive Firebird line up, she has mag wheels, jacked up in the back, low in the front, just a beast., she lines up on the outside line. Then there is a guy in an Audi. Brand new, he has already made several runs. He comes up from the opposite direction, spins the car over, and wails his car to the other side to line up, almost hitting a parked car with his Audi's a-- as he fishtails into the inside lane.

Some girl, pumps and hankie a few times and they take off. That damn Firebird is spitting venom and jumps out fast, the Audi is already trying to catch up and the guys must have slammed down on the gas trying to make up. I dont know if something happed to the bird, but she lagged, looked like she missed a gear. The Audi has it's tires spinning, she is not getting grip, it's a-- slidesleft, then right, clipping the Firebird's rear.

The Audi, suddenly catches grip but it out of control from the hit, she veers to the right and slams into a post, while the the bird braks and slides, hitting the Audi in the rear, pushing it more in the post.

A bunch of people run to the site, its about 50 yards from me. As I run up to the Audi (the Firebird is kinda cracked up but the driver is other wise ok, he quickly jumped out of this car, looked at the situation and jumped back in and sped off), some guys have already pulled the audi door open, which breaks off and falls to the floor. The guy is inside (no airbag), his chest is propped up against the steering wheel, the front of the car is literally on his lap, his face is pressed up against the top of the steering wheel. He is spitting blood and moaning "Get me out...please".

Most everyone takes one look and starts to run, they get in their cars and take off. I run to my car, grab my cell, call 911 and reverse my car to where he was. Only 3 of us stayed as the cops and ambulance arrived.

I don't know what happed to the guy. But really I don't need to know.

1 Modded Firebird crashed front and rear.
1 Audi, totalled.
1 Driver, severly hurt, in hospital, probably ticketed, hospital bills, totalled BRAND NEW car, and since he was probably ticketed for street racing that means his insurance will not pay as racing voids your insurance.

Completely changed my mind. I have raced my car ONLY 1 time, and that was on a 1/4 mile track, the way it should be. Street Racing is just NOT worth it.

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 25th, 2008, 1:52 pm
by se7en
My friend Graham Porter died street racing.

lost control around a corner, and hit a street light.

Died instantly. He had a kid too.... :(

Be careful people.


Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 25th, 2008, 2:32 pm
by cabriolet
performance driving is one thing when you do it on the's where you show off your skills and your car...but street racing is a no no, on the streets there are so many obstacles that come up people can get hurt, that's why they have laws
I'd say I am a pretty good driver on the streets, I got a quick reaction, I follow the apex, I do all the inside outs, heel toe - double clutch, I know my car I know my limits.

2 years ago this explorer cut me off from two lanes away and not only that he stopped right infornt of me and that was almost the end of me there and I wasn't integra was crushed.. totalled..I was in the hospital I couldnt work for a was devastating although eventually I got compensated.

almost exactly one year after my accident like only 3 days frd took his g35 up into the mountains to race a sti...he lost control, him along with a chic and his g35 slid off the mountain. The chic walked out fine...pee'd all over her pants ...brusies, scratches and all. My frd was not so lucky, he suffered nerve damage to his spinal cord, had surgery to remove damaged nerves...he will never walk again. Saw him on crutches as he was dragging himself along as he had little movement in his lower body legs and waist, it was devastating watching him he's only 25, it makes me feel that I am so lucky that I walked away fully recovered.

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 26th, 2008, 8:31 am
by 94drumx3
I've never gone to a big rally like these but i've done some with some friends just 4 or 5 of us...two drivers, one flagger, and two people at far ends of the road watching out for others. we usually take it to abandoned roads and make sure there's no one for miles. we try to keep it as safe as possible for anyone around.

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 26th, 2008, 10:28 am
by wickedmx3
94drumx3 wrote:I've never gone to a big rally like these but i've done some with some friends just 4 or 5 of us...two drivers, one flagger, and two people at far ends of the road watching out for others. we usually take it to abandoned roads and make sure there's no one for miles. we try to keep it as safe as possible for anyone around.
You should really go to a track. IMO

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 26th, 2008, 1:25 pm
by 94drumx3
we do go to the track. but when they close for the weather or some other reason we still wanna have fun between us, so we just kinda make our own track.

Re: Street racing report(news not a race video)mx3 sighting

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 3:41 am
by cabriolet
lol I mean as long as you know what you are doing

the dangerous stuff is the other day there was a new mustang and a 7 series racing down a major road at only like 1130pm crossing opposite lanes there's still low-medium traffic going at least 120km and stuff...that is like whoa asking for trouble...I know I wont be the one calling an ambulance if something happens...I know I am being nasty but that's just asking for it...the point is that kind of stupid stuff should be stopped....blah...I might be over reacting...but just like some things in life if you haven't been through it you dunno how it hits you :shrug: