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flunctuating rpms :S

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 12:45 pm
by Dark_Rider2k3
So this problem just started happening, and i'm not sure what it is. And it's hard for me to explain LOL so bear with me...

When I drive my car (while moving), it feels as though i'm letting up on the gas (sort of losing power), but not even 2 seconds after feeling that, I feel like I gained my power back. Also, sometimes when I let up on the gas, and then press down again to gain more speed, (i think it did this once or twice... but i did notice this) the RPM's jump up (sort of like if you have it in neutral), and then there is a slight "bang" and i gain my power back (I want to assume it's the tranny banging into place, but then i'm not sure).

In case you don't know, it is Auto 4cyl. No swaps done (yet).

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 2:07 pm
by shameem
For starters - Get a tranny fluid/filter change......
Add some grounds to the tranny case.....

Re: flunctuating rpms :S

Posted: December 29th, 2007, 2:33 am
by -=DRIFT=-
Vacuum leak, Almost positive. I have the exact same thing,
but not bad enough to happen when moving, only a slight surge
of about 3-500 rpm, but other times where this is a problem
Ive seen it fluctuate 2-3k rpm.