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Newest Toy

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 2:19 am
by XxantwawnxX
My new toy and my very first bike.

Im really sorry for the extremely crappy pictures but its all i have.



Posted: November 28th, 2007, 9:49 pm
by 94mx3precidia
nice bike man. ive been looking for for a suzuki bike. mostly like a gsx or something. Have you riddin a bike before?

Just be careful ive heard some real nasty stuff with bike accidents. Like a guy going through a moose.

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 10:47 pm
by XxantwawnxX
First time i ever rode a bike was on this bike haha. I got my permit and i ride everday (not on busy roads) Until i feel i can go pass the full license test. I think il go try soon. Yea you have to be extra mature and vigilant while on a bike...smallest thing can kill ya.

Posted: November 29th, 2007, 12:13 am
by MazdaManiacMx3
94mx3precidia wrote:nice bike man. ive been looking for for a suzuki bike. mostly like a gsx or something. Have you riddin a bike before?

Just be careful ive heard some real nasty stuff with bike accidents. Like a guy going through a moose.
Man , Don't look into a GS500 , They SUCK ,
May look sporty but boy oh boy they are not , Slow , horrible suspension, and plain old dangerous .
I had one for a starter bike , I would have been safer with a mountain bike with a dirtbike engine strapped on .

Kris -