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Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: October 30th, 2007, 10:16 am
by sk8erdude802
I just sold the iPod touch I won on ebay. got like 318 out of it so Im up 318 bucks. I wanted to get a 16 gb but now Im thinking I might just keep the money. I dont know if we have any hard core nerds like myself but has anyone else done any reading on the futur possibility of using skype on the touch in WiFi hotspots? That would be crazy. Apple is supposed to be opening it up the 3rd party programers soon as well. I smell a voip ipod.


Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: December 31st, 2007, 1:36 am
by eyezpinned
i was gonna get a touch, but then got an 80 gb classic instead (I have 448 albums between 115 artists, like almost 7000 songs). i just listen to too many different things to fit on the touch and im too lazy to add and delete stuff... i want it all on there

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 1st, 2008, 6:45 pm
by sk8erdude802
VOIP is possible as of 01/01/08. they just released the software. Sweet.


Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 1:34 pm
by Volones
So wouldn't that be much like an iPhone? :lol:

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 7:09 pm
by Mnemonic
I'll never purchase another apple product ever again, i've had a 30gig and the mini 4 gig and i've had nothing but problems with both, infact one is now just an external hd, and the other is my jump drive both died of the same problems of battery failure. When i went to the apple store they refused to do any work on them even though they were both between 90 days old. When i called apple they told me i would have to pay for them to replace the battery and it cost more than the ipod was itself.

I was already anti apple in the 1st place but figured i'd give them a try, meh!

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 7:14 pm
by 94mx3precidia
I got myself the 16gig. it doesnt hold that much but i like the way of how easy it is to use. For thoses who have the touch, google "Jailbreaking Ipod Touch" basically it lets you install 3rdpary programs like msn, etchasketch, email programs, NES emulator, and alot of games and useful gadgets. BUT IT VOIDS THE WARRANTY. and its really easy to wipe it off of it incase something happens.

For those who dont have its kinda like a computer. If you have WIFI at your house it makes the touch so much more enjoyable.

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 7:34 pm
by Tunes67
Curious.. are the new Touch Ipods using Hard Drives or Flash memory? Just trying to figure out why they went from a 160 gig capacity (or even more) down to 16 gig.


Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 8:06 pm
by 94mx3precidia
i think there using flashdrives still. the Hard drive didnt last too long because they dont respond well to shocks. especially when say your jogging and its under constant shocking.

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 8:37 pm
by Tunes67
Oh they have been using Hard Drives in all full size Ipods.. I dont really consider Mini's, Nano's & Shuffles to be real Ipods. Guess I am a Ipod snob LOL Full size Ipods have been using hard drives forever. I think I have even heard of a 300 gig Ipod at one point.. but dunno for sure.. I have two 20 gig ipods and I am looking at getting a 30 at some point. The Touch doesnt have enough capacity for me yet.


Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 4th, 2008, 1:12 am
by SSR Mx-3
My brother just got one for Christmas. It doesn't hold a "huge" amount of songs like the older classics and 80gb. Then again, when in the hell are you ever going to use 80gb of music? Personally, I would get one because of all of the technology, engineering, and thought that went into it. I respect companys when they put thought into their products, and Apple has done so.

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 4th, 2008, 10:41 am
by Tunes67
Then again, when in the hell are you ever going to use 80gb of music?
The larger capacity Ipods were designed with video in mind. So you can buy & download music videos from Itunes, pod casts and other such stuff. I dont use that stuff and dont really have a need for it. But I can say that I do like to have all of my music with me where ever I may want to listen to something. Be it at the gym, while commuting, on a camping trip.. whatever. Its nice to have ALL of my music with me (almost 4000 songs now) so that I can listen to what ever I am in the mood for. 16 Gig is simply too small for my needs. While I think the tech that goes into the Touch is sweet, I would rather have more music capacity than all the fancy bells & whistles. I mean.. if I wanted small capacity.. I would buy a Mini or Nano.. in the end.. its main function is a Music Player.


Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 4th, 2008, 12:14 pm
by SSR Mx-3
I am well aware of the video capacity in the 80gb. What I was saying is that even if I did have all thousands of my songs, I wouldn't listen to every single one of them. But overall if I were looking for music/video capacity I would get the 80gb. The only reason that I would get the touch is because it is freaking sweet. lol

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 4th, 2008, 6:20 pm
by 94mx3precidia
so far i have around 2200 song in my itunes. It adds up to 5.7 days of music. Thats close to 137 hours of music, and is only 11 gigs.

Thats more than enough music for me.

Granted i love having movies on my ipod for the times your in line waiting for something or your just bored, but most movies of good quality(for the ipod) are roughly 800mb. So, if you have 20 gigs of music and 60gigs of movies thats roughly 25 movies. For me i usually only watch a movie once or twice unless its one of my favroites i dont need 25 movies on my ipod. 16gigs is well enough for me and with the touch i can even go on msn, check my email, surf the web, go on youtube, and alot more. i barely even use my computer anymore.

just my .02

Re: Anybody got an iPod touch?

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 11:04 am
by sk8erdude802
Its not the amount of music or video when your talking about the touch for me. its the possibilities. Voip, Emulators, email, internet, music, video, internet radio. Basically if I wanted a 30 gig mp3 player id use my zune. not as nice but it holds alot and it is cheaper at this point. Dunno if anyone used to play any of the old lucas arts games but there is an emulator for the touch to play them now. Its called ScummVM. you can play stuff like kings quest, monkey island etc. The jailbroken touch is my hero.
