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electrical going nuts

Posted: October 26th, 2007, 5:18 pm
by cali_gal
hello everyone, I am new here. I bought a 94 mx3 a couple of years ago, and I love the car, however its costing alot to keep going. My latest problem is this, the dials on my dash started going crazy, my stereo is not working, the hold light keeps flickering on and off and the wipers are slow. I put a new battery in just after i bought it, (2 years) and the alternator was worked on last summer. Any suggestions?? :?:

Posted: October 26th, 2007, 5:50 pm
by Whisper
Sounds like you'll need a priest for this one. Possessions are pretty tough to deal with on your own.

Have you checked all your main wiring contacts? Did it all start happening at once, or are these separate problems?


Posted: October 26th, 2007, 10:23 pm
by cali_gal
I havent checked anything yet. It all started today, its been raining. I'm guessing holy water won't work. Someone said it could be the battery. I was hearing a chirping like sound under the hood last couple of days. I think all the guy did to the alternator last summer was grease the bearings and put a new belt on. I opened one of the electrical boxes under the hood and it looked like some fuses were missing. Not sure what I was supposed to find there, first time I noticed it was even there... *sigh*.