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Why do people....

Posted: July 26th, 2007, 5:58 pm
by Tunes67
Ask for advice and then ignore the answers if they dont like what they hear? Not pointing any fingers at anyone.. but serious.. if you ask for advice and then ignore it.. then come back and post again asking for advice on pretty much the same thing but in a different post.. do you really think people are going to change their opinions just to make you feel better? If you want to do something your way.. DO IT. Stop trying to convince everyone else just to justify you doing something that isnt recommended by everyone else. The upside to this is that if you fail miserably.. no one will know about it. But if you keep posting and beating the dead horse.. everyone will KNOW you tried it anyway and still failed miserably.

Ok.. done ranting now.


Posted: July 26th, 2007, 6:43 pm
by 94mx3precidia
it happens everywhere man, and i hate it as well!

Posted: July 26th, 2007, 8:12 pm
by solo_ryder
Lol, I am not sure if I am a hypocrit here myself, but I don't like it either. Makes the person who is trying to help feel dumb because the other person is still asking for help.

Posted: July 27th, 2007, 9:56 am
by Mooneggs
I'm pretty sure almost everybody on here is guilty of this at some time or another. I know I am... It's human nature... :roll:

Even though the person giving the advice has a huge post count and is a "senior member" it's hard to trust people without actually knowing them. I think that second opinions are important since every individual person's experiences are a little different. I know alot of things I have experienced with my mx-3's are pretty unique or downright simple but I usually throw in my .02 if I think it might help. Most of the problems I have encountered could be narrowed down to a simple issue instead of the elaborate complicated solutions. I just know from my experience that checking the little stupid stuff first can save alot of time and money... but that's my perspective since that is what I have learned. I am no mechanic nor do I claim to be!

The important thing is to share your information and knowledge and move on... don't take it personal or be offended. If you gave them everything from your perspective and you know you are right, it's still up to that person to choose what they want to do.

good rant :D

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 10:11 am
by Tunes67
Funny thing is though, Mark, the instance I am referring too doesn't actually involve me, I just read the thread and got annoyed LOL

Yeah I have had noobs that dont like to hear that their timing belt tensioners are likely shot.. its amazing how much other stuff they could have saved $$ on if they had just checked the tensioner first. This has happened at least 3 times on this board since I joined. Oh and its easy to spot when it was the tensioner too.. the thread dies and they never come back and say what was wrong or how they fixed it LOL

Now there is a difference when asking opinions if your trying to find someone to confirm a suspicion about something. Heck I do THAT all the time LOL But if someone has no clue and 6 people all tell that person the same thing and they STILL argue about it... well thats what I am ranting about LOL


Posted: July 28th, 2007, 2:22 pm
by MoRf
haha yeah man i know what you mean here, another mx-3 er from this area, (everytime i see him) he tells me about his exhaust tip that adds 50hp and his ducktape intake that adds 15hp. i tryed to explain to him why his car was still slower then mine but some people are just thick head.everytime he brings it up now i just tell him he has the slowest 195hp mx-3 ive ever seen haha

Posted: August 21st, 2007, 1:43 pm
by lowflyinmx3
i totally agree. like most people here I can figure most stuff out on my own but if I can't i ask the question here. If someone here gives their .02 cents i'll go and check it out. i'm not going to disregard it just cuz it's not what i want to hear. it saves people so much time and money if they just go and check it out instead of waiting for it to break down then realize the person was rite. but like MoRf said there are people who think they know everything even though they are the ones asking questions.

Posted: August 21st, 2007, 2:07 pm
by cyclonekid78
Its the ones that ask questions who will gain more knowledge. Im currently finishing up my degree in Auto Tech, I ask all the time.

What I hate is people that read a thread and think its the rule, and you cant change there opinion. If I think its wrong I will look up stuff in the manuals ( there is plenty of them online)