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Yet another ECU question

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 1:49 am
by Kveite

At about a year ago I bought a klze from, or at least I was under the impression that it was a klze. Unfortunately my girlfriends car took up my garage for almost a year as she crashed it up quite nicely (323F ba) and the insurance company didn't solve the problem at once. This caused that I foolishly trusted that the engine was OK and forgot about it as it got in to my garage. Now I have finally got the time and space to start at my swap.

The engine is a curved neck edition. When I started to dig down in the engine (I am doing a more or less total overhaul) I was thinking about what was making this a klze and not a klde. My cams are stamped with kl01 as its probably should as of the curved neck? But the heads is sadly stamped kl01-101 and kl01-1A1.. This will make it a klde for shure?

I also think I remember the pistons to not being flat on the top.

Is this when I should probably hate myself for not checking this once I got it?
Probably, because I live in Norway and the shipping cost me more then the engine it self it, wouldn't matter anyhow..

After I except that it is in fact a klde (if you don't tell me otherwise) it comes down to my question:
What ECU should I run on?
Should we take the curved neck in consideration?
Since I already have the JE-50 maf, could I run on the kl36/kl31 ecu and gane some power here?
Or do I need the standard ecu for the klde because of the different compression in the klze vs. klde?

The engine is now stripped down in bits and peaces. Feel free to come with suggestions if there is something I should do besides the normal overhaul (porting etc.)

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 9:24 am
by ho bag
That weird, i got my motor from them. Got a curve neck ZE, kl31 heads and i assume kl01 cams (80% of curve neck motors came with kl01 cams)

Deffently sounds like u got a DE with ze manifold. Check to make sure casue if you do you got some nasty porting to do to make the manifold match the heads.

Honestly i would run the klo2 vaf with kl57 ecu and have probeinator chip your ecu to the curve neck VRIS points.

This will give you the most of of your DE and the best of the curve neck manifold as well.

However since you got the motor tore down, why not buy a set of ze heads, throw your de valve train in it and grab some kl31 cams. That way you got the best of both worlds!

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 12:05 pm
by Mnemonic
pictures speak louder than words, take some pics of the motor, and we can give you a better answer to exactly what engine it is,

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 12:39 pm
by Mooneggs
I'm pretty sure he has the klde because I went to the junkyard last week and found a protege with a klde in it that had kl01 on the cams and the heads... I thought I had found a klze until I was corrected...

I pulled out the kl01 ECU from it but I haven't tested it... I saw the car running before it was junked but he was using a je50 so it ran like crap...

he told me it was a klze - :roll:

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 12:47 pm
by ho bag
Those casting numbers are deffently klde heads

You got a KLDE with KLZE manifold, either port those heads to match the manifold or buy the correct heads.

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 7:45 pm
by 2RotorsNaDream
That is a base model millenia engine. They came with the curve neck IM. It has 170hp instead of 164hp.

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 7:51 pm
by splitfire_101
this is not what we call a kfze

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 8:18 pm
by hgallegos915
No, kfze has K8 heads.

Posted: June 20th, 2007, 1:37 am
by Kveite

Is it not true that the klze should have a square intake and the klde a "D-shaped" one?

Here are some pictures of the heads..


Mark that the gasket here does not seem to fit as it should...



I will see later today if the intake and the heads fit together or not..

Thanks for all support. I really hope to solve this problem. It's been a long time since I've driven this incredible machine :)

But is it enough just to buy new heads to make it a ze? I thought the pistons where different, and was wondering if there wasn't anything on the underside of the block...

Anyone who knows of a good place to buy such parts (ECU, heads, etc.), and not for too much of a cost.

Posted: June 20th, 2007, 8:23 am
by ho bag
110% KL-DE

You can port those heads to match that gasket if you want.

Or you can buy ZE heads

You still wont have 10:1 compression but that leave room for boost later.

If it were me, i would just port those heads as best you can and run it like it. Short of that, sell it and buy a new ZE.

Posted: June 20th, 2007, 10:35 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Stupid Tiger Japan, still up to their BS

Square runners exist on Millenia KLDE's, one of the reasons why they have 170hp instead of the 164.

Curved-Neck ZE - KL31 Heads, KL01 Cams
Curved-Neck DE - KL01 Heads, KL01 Cams

Should of searched before hand ... iger+japan

Tiger Japan does have some mint ZE's, mx3autozam got oen that look like it only had a few thousand KM's on it, but it picked it out himself.

Posted: June 21st, 2007, 2:10 am
by Kveite
Ok, so it is a klde. What can I do with my problem..

I may port the heads according to the intake, to match them up against each other. Can I do this with an ordinary mill at home, or should I deliver it to a workshop?

I may try to find some klze heads. Where could I find something like that? I searched the ebay and found THIS.
But it looks like the valve "cups" are just put in a bag. I can only hope they are marked or else I would be up to some expensive mechanical work there.
Another problem is that he only sends it within the US and Canada.
Is there another place I could look for this?

But if I only port up the klde's I have. What ECU should I use?

And If I could get a hold of some klze heads. What ECU should I use then? (the compression is not up to a normal ze, does it matter for the ecu?)

I don't want to spend my money on reprogramming a ecu acording to the engines characteristic.

Posted: June 21st, 2007, 9:59 am
by ho bag
Well if you can find ZE or millenia heads with the square ports that will work. Better then porting the stock ones. Only thing is you will still have KL-01 cams (which isnt bad, im running them in my ZE).

You will be a little low on compression but thats not a big deal with our crap gas anyway.

Ecu doesnt really matter, your pouched anyway you look at it.

If your OBDI get a kl02 vaf and matching ecu. Have probnator chip it to curve neck vris points. Its the best you can get (has dynoed higher then a kl31 or kl36 ecu)