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Police standoff in hicktown

Posted: June 12th, 2007, 10:23 pm
by JdawgMx3er
Eh, I'm being held up inside my house this is kinda crazy. I go outside to smoke, since I have a new baby daughter. theres police out there with a shotgun hiding behind the tree, and he calls me over and tells me I can't be outside. Tells me go inside and shut the door. He was also rude, called me a "wise a--" and says "I'll be the first one crying when someone in my family gets hurt". What an a--, are police allowed to act like this? I hate cops a-- it is, and this proves why, because they think they own, and we have no rights. And they think they can say whatever they want to you, and if you say anything to them you'll be arrested. Im'm so temted to go out there and start s---, just to prove a point, like I can't go outside my own house to smoke a cigarette? Oh, by the way I gues the reason they are out there is because something is going on with my neighbor. I heard him arguing with someone on the phone earlier, telling them to f--- off. Then I guess cops showed up, because in a small town like I live, noone can mind their own business. And ppl like to call the cops over the smallest s---. So I guess he told the cops they are dead wrong, or something, told em to f--- off and get out of here. They obviously didn't like that. My girfriend said he was in his house telling the cops to f--- off and get the f--- out, and talking about guns. He was b----ing the other day too, about the borough making him dig up a sewer pipe on his property or something. I dunno but this pretty crazy event for around here, and I just want to go outside and smoke, but afraid I'll get arrested doing so. Well so the a--hole cop says anyway. Lol he's prolly still out there hiding behid the tree, what a fag.

Posted: June 12th, 2007, 11:38 pm
That sorta happened to me once many years ago. I was about 10 or so, the cops knock on my family's door and tell us we have to leave. No clothes, no warning and about 11 o'clock at night. So the fam packs up and leaves, on the way out we see cops all over the neighbors front yard with all manner of guns and lights. The neighbor had been dealing drugs, which my parents suspected and they were busting him. Pretty scary stuff. Oh yeah, and there are plenty of big headed A$$ hole cops.

Posted: June 13th, 2007, 12:53 am
by mitmaks
cops are asses over here too, why am I not surprised?

standoff in hicktown cont.

Posted: June 13th, 2007, 12:56 am
by JdawgMx3er
pow, they just raided his house ; ; this s--- is kinda scary, and I feel bad for him at the same time. I don't know what he did but.... they are bumrushing the guys house.

Posted: June 13th, 2007, 5:27 pm
by Juans_93_MX3

Take pictures!

Posted: June 13th, 2007, 7:03 pm
by Neil
Most police officers are rude, which is kinda funny because today i met a female police officer who was actually very friendly and nice. Damn people trying to rob me :x

On topic, a similar thing happened in Winnipeg last year with a guy who was 21 and dealing drugs out of his mom's place.

Re: standoff in hicktown cont.

Posted: June 13th, 2007, 9:01 pm
by cjthor
JdawgMx3er wrote:pow, they just raided his house ; ; this s--- is kinda scary, and I feel bad for him at the same time. I don't know what he did but.... they are bumrushing the guys house.
You feel bad? I wouldnt ...if cops bumrush your house..they prolly have a reason..

Posted: June 14th, 2007, 11:32 am
by Custommx3
Just a quick note, no foul language is allowed on this forum.