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First Two Autoxs out of the way

Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 1:12 pm
by Teqnyck
Yeah, so a while back I told people that I bought a white Mx3 with some various upgrades and a blown engine. I desided to put my old 1.8 into the new car and race it this year. Results:

Race 1 STX, I'm at the top.

Race 2 short track STX, on top again.

The second race, that WRX shoulda had me, the car handled beautifully, but the driver was not too good. Nice guy, but cocky. If he improves even a little bit though, he'll have me for the rest of the season. Better tires will help me alot, but I just don't have the money to spend right now.

Oh, and if you were wondering why the last run group had a shorter track: ... mId=859712

Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 3:31 pm
Alot of cone hitters in your SCCA region. lol
Nice job with the times on your part and no cones. That is key in the Atlanta region as there are few cones hit. I've raced once this year with the SCCA and did ok. I think I was like 10th out of about 28 in SM on street tires. In SM you can use DOT spec race tires, which I might change to after I have some more practice swinging the MX around in such tight spaces. The street tires will give more feedback than race tires so they should help me learn more quickly.

Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 6:43 pm
by mr1in6billion
Ouch!. I read about that accident on another forum. That must have been insane to see in person. Poor Porsche.

Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 7:07 pm
by Teqnyck
It was pretty nuts. I was working the course when it happened, right in front of the finish, so I had like a front row seat to the accident. That Celica was facing the opposite direction about 50 feet away before it got hit.

Posted: May 4th, 2007, 1:52 am
I cannot get your video link to work. It send me to the MySpace home page via clicking the link or copy and paste.

Posted: May 4th, 2007, 2:15 am
by mr1in6billion
PATDIESEL wrote:I cannot get your video link to work. It send me to the MySpace home page via clicking the link or copy and paste.
I first saw the story Here (his pictures are down at the moment.)

Teq's link is to his myspace pictures (same pictures as the site).

This about sums it up.
And yes, that's a GT3.
