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My New Ride

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 9:49 am
by neutral
Got this new-used Italian import for commuting and the occaisional race. She joins a stable of French & J-Spec racers, is very fast, and also fits nicely into the MX-3. :D

Very sexy yes?, and less expensive than collecting cars. :wink:

Designer/model: Moser/Forma
Model Year: 2001
Weight: 19 lbs
Speeds: 16


Posted: April 15th, 2007, 10:50 am
are you training to be the next Lance?

Posted: April 15th, 2007, 11:11 am
by neutral
nah, not even close. I probably avg ~1500-2000 miles/year and got back into it to control a smoking habit of all things lol. Lance exceeded that dist. during just one Tour de France over 3 wks. :shock: He could also probably smack me with one of his lungs from across the room so he has nothing to fear from here... :mrgreen:

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 7:52 am
by kp2t

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 8:31 am
by solo_ryder
Hehe, do you have the skin tight suit and crazy helmet to match? I was always amused by those bikes, you can get going pretty fast on those things!

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 12:34 pm
by neutral
umm yup. :oops: I didn't start off that way but now got something of a spandex habit I guess and a couple of bright colored aero helmets. Anything to help decrease wind drag and especially to keep ppl in cars and trucks from accidentally running me off the road. Fastest spd was clocked on a long straight country road 1/2+ mile downhill at 46mph. Eye-watering teeth-rattling fun. :) Downhill speed sensation feels extra fast compared to being in a car or on a motorcycle.

Posted: October 7th, 2007, 7:14 am
by neutral
neutral wrote:..Fastest spd was clocked on a long straight country road 1/2+ mile downhill at 46mph. Eye-watering teeth-rattling fun. :) Downhill speed sensation feels extra fast compared to being in a car or on a motorcycle.
Just finished a race on mtn. roads & new downhill top speed reached of 55.4 mph. That is all... :D

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 10:04 am
by Volones
I just saw this post, and was going to recommend taking that down some mountain roads. I've managed around 55mph myself, but that was a number of years and a couple of "arguments" with autos ago. :)

Just PLEASE be careful, and don't ride if the roads aren't in perfect shape. It's enough that people don't pay attention to cyclists normally, when you introduce water (melted, or frozen), things could get really ugly. I just don't want to read about someone else having to go through what I am now.

Ride hard, ride fast and always keep the rubber side down!

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 7:30 pm
by neutral
Thanks Vol and you are spot on. This particular downhill was on fresh pavement laid only a week earlier so was incredibly clean and early Sunday a.m. race a week ago meant dry conditions w/no traffic. I shudder to think of what dropping the bike at 55 mph would mean. :shock:

On Sat. rode a century on the Maryland eastern shore to the ocean. Veeery flat power-speed-run kind of course where you can easily maintain 20+mph pace or faster if you're in a pace-line. Heavy a.m. fog w/everything wet. I was riding solo and 10 miles in, a passing cyclist accidentally cuts me off instead of fully passing before moving back to the right. I jackknifed, skidded a ways, dropped the bike and lost several square inches of skin to road rash. Luckily nothing broken on me or the bike. Finished the ride, got patched up, drove home and gotdamn does everything hurt now. Still, that sounds temporary and fixable compared to your situation. Hang in.

Posted: October 15th, 2007, 6:23 pm
by PGT97_Racer
Very nice.. at least you get good MPG