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Ipod Question

Posted: March 23rd, 2007, 10:01 pm
by GregoryChristian
I have a 60 gb video ipod with several pics I transfered from my computer about 6 months ago and know I want to transfer them back to my computer since I deleted them from my picture folder it possible to transfer pics from my ipod back to the computer ? if so how ?

Posted: March 23rd, 2007, 10:07 pm
by Tunes67
yes its possible.. but a bit tricky to explain. First you have to take it out of auto mode and set it to manual mode. you do this with Itunes. Once you have done that.. then set it to operate as a disc drive.. again.. you do that with Itunes. Now.. you can open windows explorer and it will see the Ipod as any other removable disc drive. You can then explore the folders on the Ipod and look for the pics you stored on it 6 months back. They wont have conventional file names.. but they should still be there. Then just copy and paste them back to your computer :) Cheers


ipod Question

Posted: March 28th, 2007, 10:13 pm
by bubsy83
Hope you don't mind me asking this question as the ipod question thread is here already.

Anybody know or can recommend how to put a dvd I have in my collection and transfer it to a 30 GB 5th generation Ipod??

Sorry I am not technically brilliant, up til last month I was using a discman I was given at Christmas about 10 years ago.

Any feedback or advice would be genuinely appreciated. Thanks