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Possible alternator issue?

Posted: January 21st, 2007, 1:19 am
by solo_ryder
I have posted about this before but I continue to have issues, but I have some more information.

Today I reset my ECU and also redid my TPS and turned on my car, it died, i did this a few more times (adjusting my idle screw) until it started, then idled low. Go inside for abit and come out and the idle is back up at 1500 where it was before?

This always seems to happen, idle start low the goes up after driving for awail, also, my guages are always flickering when the thing is ideling which is annoying.

So question is, do you think this is a batter or alternator issue? If my idle is low and I rev it up, it dips down really low and jumps up and dips again.. Let me know if you have any ideas? It is snowy here so I cannot really go anywhere to get it tested.

Posted: January 22nd, 2007, 8:59 am
by alreadydefective
when my alt went out, the ac was not working right, the lights were extremely dim, if on at all, the dials dipped and went back up, to test this, you run your car, get a volt meter, and check the volts out (from the battery), if its (im not 100% sure) below 14, then your alts goin, mine was at about 12ish, got a new alt and everything started to work

Posted: January 22nd, 2007, 2:09 pm
i think you are loosing vaccum somewhere to be honest