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Anyone in Washington state up for a meet

Posted: December 8th, 2006, 2:45 am
by superman_t11
...Anyone in Washington state up for a meet

Posted: December 8th, 2006, 1:53 pm
by mitmaks
Im in spokane.

Posted: December 9th, 2006, 2:28 am
by superman_t11
close enough to me, cept im over west


Posted: February 25th, 2007, 11:06 pm
by kellywellz
i would meet up sometime.

Posted: February 28th, 2007, 8:39 pm
by Tunes67
I'm in Everett.. There are a few around.. Though currently I only have my RS running.. My GS is under construction..



Posted: March 5th, 2007, 10:09 pm
by ogtff
Im down for that

Posted: March 8th, 2007, 5:04 pm
by cjthor
How bout an Oregon/washington meet!!!

Posted: March 9th, 2007, 2:31 pm
by NorCalMX3
and Cali, I'll make the drive!

Posted: March 9th, 2007, 3:29 pm
by Tunes67
I'm up for it :) lets work out a place to meet.. my RS is more than reliable enough for a trip down south :) Hmmm.. I guess that means I will need to wash it soon.. and probably clean it out too.. hmmm.. better give me a couple of weeks ;) LOL j/k just say when :)


Posted: March 9th, 2007, 3:42 pm
by NorCalMX3
actually, i was hoping you wouldn't mind saving this meet for the summer, or over a weekend in a few weeks from now, I'm attending classes at CSU chico and cannot skip some of my classes. I do however have no friday classes

Posted: March 13th, 2007, 8:03 pm
by cjthor
Who says we cant have two in April and one in the summer!!
April 22nd?????


Posted: March 20th, 2007, 4:37 pm
by superman_t11
We definitely need to have a meet! If there are that many people that are interested in having one. I'm down hit me up Everett would be perfect! I live not too far from there.

Posted: March 20th, 2007, 5:01 pm
by Tunes67
I could do the 22nd if it was up here in washington somewhere.. I could do the 21st down in oregon. Saturdays are best for me but I do usually have both weekend days off. Especially in the summer.

Anyone wanna come bust knuckles with me on my GS next week? I am on vacation from the 25th thru the 1st and I am gonna work the entire time on my GS. Any help is greatly appreciated. I cant afford to pay for your gas.. but I'll buy the beer ;)

PM me and I will get you directions to my place. :) Cheers



Posted: March 20th, 2007, 5:25 pm
by superman_t11
The 21st or 22nd of April would be perfect. Lets all agree on a place we could all meet up.