[GB] Custom Made Lambo Door Hinges

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[GB] Custom Made Lambo Door Hinges

Post by Matt »

That's right. Custom made. Professionally done. Lambo hinges for us!

I have setup a Group buy threw Xtreme-Doors.com to create us custom hinges. They have offered us three different choices.

Choice One - 60 Degree Bolt On - $500Canadian
  • 2 sets of Xtreme-Doors Hinges
    2 600lb shocks
    All necessary mounting hardware.
Choice Two - 90 Degree Bolt On $600Canadian
  • 2 sets of Xtreme-Doors Hinges
    4 150lb Shocks
    All necessary mounting hardware.
Choice Three - 60 or 90 Degree Bolt On, Motorized - $1200Canadian
  • 2 sets of Xtreme-Doors Hinges
    2 150lb Shocks
    All necessary mounting hardware.
    2 110lbs Linear Actuators with 550lb Static Load
    Display (controls movement)
    Central Control unit
    Wire Harness
Additional Information
All of our kits come Bright Zinc, and Electroless Nickel Plated, for a great show appearance and corrosion resistance. We utilize shocks with our kit that have been specifically designed for this. As well thre will be a 5% donation to Mx-3.com which will be paid to me and I will donate it on your behalf
Terms And Conditions
There will be a $200 Deposit needed on these, before the hinges go into production. This deposit is refundable it is to see who is truely commited. The Deposit will be given to me and I will then inform Xtreme-Doors of how many we have. The rest of the payment must be made before these hinges are shipped. Buyer pays shipping as always. Paypal and Credit Cards are accepted. We need 10 people for this buy to be a go. I am hoping to have this go into production before christmas and for that to happen deposits would need to be in before Dec. 21st.
Last edited by Matt on November 21st, 2006, 3:24 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Matt »

Current members who want into this group buy.

Choice One
Joey's mx
Choice Two

Choice Three

Also, because these are custom made hinges and Xtreme-doors doesnt already have any, we dont have a picture of them on a vehicle yet. I will work to get some installed on mine before the GB is done so everyone can see.
Last edited by Matt on December 13th, 2006, 5:03 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Matt »


I have been talking with X-D and I have been told that the turnaround time is 2 weeks from the time the deposits are in. We need 6 people with deposits in to make this group buy begin.
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Update 1/26/07

Post by cjthor »

Ok lets get this going!!!!

For all of you that have been waiting thanks for your patience! If you want in I need.....

A PM Titled****Lambo Hing group buy deposit
phone number
physical and shipping address if different
what hinge set you want
If paying deposit by money order or paypal

*** DEPOSIT IS 200CAD***
IF you pay by paypal you are required to pay the transaction Fee. I feel this is only fair as I am not making money on this buy. CANADIANs there is also a conversion fee.

The list I have...

*****DEPOSIT DUE BY FEB 9TH!!!*****
Last edited by cjthor on January 31st, 2007, 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jarid Perry
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Post by cjthor »

CANADIANS!!! Update from Kyle at xtreme doors....
We actually prefer not to use paypal as the fees are ridiculous for larger sums of money. Money Orders or Personal Checks are fine. Personal Checks do have a clearing period of 10 business days but that will not be a problem. So we would prefer money orders as this is a custom group buy and will take time to get the kits made, and this can sometimes create problems with paypal as they often want tracking numbers ASAP since we are a business.

Let me know if this is ok. Canadian members can send email money transfers as well using http://www.certapay.com or through online banking. If they would like to do this, I can give them my email address where the money transfers can be sent.
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »

Hey all,
Kyle sent me these pics to show off!

Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
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Post by cjthor »

OKAY>>>> Ive had three people cancel already....and have only heard from...

...If I dont get the others info (need ten) by the fifth...this group buy will be cancelled.
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »

This is from Kyle at xtreme doors....


This is Kyle Wesley from Xtreme-Doors. To anyone that has concerns about the group buy or would like to talk to me personally, please feel free to call me at 1-519-432-1768. This number is working again as we were having some technical difficulties with it, but it is now working again. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you get the answering machine, please leave a message with your name and number, and please state that you are calling about the MX-3 Group Buy.

As for our Facility, our Machine shop is located in Wallaceburg, but we are in the process of moving into a new larger Facility in London, ON. Once we are moved into our London Facility, I welcome anyone to stop by to see the new Facility and to see some of our products as well as to talk with us.

Again, please do not hesitate to give me a call as I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer email, you can email me directly at kwesley@xtreme-doors.com . I also would like to take this chance to apologize for the delays, but now that Jarid is running it, things should move along a lot smoother.

Thanks again,
Kyle Wesley
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
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06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »

Canadians!!! Kyle from Xtreme doors is getting me a paypal address.
Last edited by cjthor on February 5th, 2007, 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »

If you have questions for xtreme post em here!!
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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update 2/9!!

Post by cjthor »

Here are the deposits I have
1. Mazda 20 90 degree kit
2. Hotsit 90 degree kit
3. reece 90 degree kit
4. ovendenk 90 degree kit
5 .magiccowinuse 90 degree kit
6. spotted 90 degree kit
7. oOloopyOo 60 degree kit
8. 93_4banger 60 degree kit

If youre not on the list TODAY...youre not in on the buy. PM ME TODAY!!!!
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »

fyi the money orfer for the us people should be in kyles hands today!
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »

There seems to be some issues with the type of money order I sent in to Kyle. I am going to go tomorrow on my lunch to a company of kyle's choosing to get this squared away. This delay is MY fault as I figured a Money order from a bank would be fine. It would have taken a few extra days to get an international money order in CAD funds so I sent one in US funds...this turned out to be unacceptable. Here is the message I got from Kyle...
We did in fact receive the check, however this method is really not acceptable. We have been trying to get these funds for some time now so that we could begin this group buy and provide our products. We were told on the 19th that you had already gotten a Western Union money order for the amount of $860. The three day wait would have been delay enough but instead we received a personal money order (what happened to the western union one that was already made?) and now its going to take AT THE SHORTEST 15 business days. I'm sorry but this in unacceptable as we have been waiting since the 6th of this month. We were also told that we would be receiving $1000 Canadian Funds but instead the money order comes out to $976.00. The money order should have been made out in Canadian funds. And seeing that the Western Union Money order was actually never made, I had messaged you saying that a US Postal money order was the way to go, but instead I received a Bank Personal Money Order. Jarid we would suggest that you cancel this money order and have you either go to a location (Western Union or Moneygram) and do the Direct Transfer, preferably the Moneygram as this will then be available to us in 10 minutes of you sending the money. You can go and cancel the money order as there is no point in waiting till March 14th for the money, as the Canadian Customers have had their deposits in since the beginning of the month, and now everyone is going to have to wait till this last set of deposits is received and cleared.

If this was going to be a problem, it would have worked better just to have the US customers send us the money either via paypal or directly to us. We are offering these kits at a discount, and we are now losing money as well as being delayed. We want to keep all of the customers happy, but suspect when they hear that the kits are not going to be made until sometime after March 14th we will be having a lot of complaints. I will be posting in whatever section I can in posts regarding the group buy to inform people of the delay until we can get this sorted out.

So please, have the money order cancelled and send payment via a US Postal International Money Order in Canadian Funds, or by Moneygram in Canadian Funds. We want to get this group buy going, but at this rate, people will not have their kits until sometime in April (Work does not begin until desposits have cleared which is March 14th, then 2 weeks to make the prototype that brings us to March 28th, then one more week to get the production kits ready for shipping which brings us to April 4th)

Kyle Wesley
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
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Post by cjthor »


oOloopyOo 60 degree kit
Mazda20 90 degree kit
Hotsit 90 degree kit
Reece 90 degree kit
ovendenk 90 degree kit
magiccowinuse 90 degree kit
spotted 90 degree kit
93 4banger 60 degree kit
onderground_mx3 90 degreee kit
Tempus 90 degree kit

Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
2008 MINI Cooper Clubman S
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Post by cjthor »

I emailed Kyle for an update and got this response today as to when I would get the first kit to try out.

Hey Jarid,

It will be going out this week, we are just waiting for the revised parts and as soon as they come in, the kit will be shipping out. Because of the shape of the fender, we needed a unique kit to clear the fender and it took quite the engineering. I apologize for the delays, but we wanted to make sure this kit works flawlessly.

Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
2008 MINI Cooper Clubman S

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