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Posted: October 25th, 2006, 5:07 pm
by 666raCing
Hey guys, i just thought i'd post some pictures on here. They're nothing much. My car is a 92 Mx-3 GS. It has 112k miles on it and is a piece of s--- (in my opinion) on the outside. I got this car used during the summer. It has a PRM Cold Air Intake and a Magnaflow exhaust. Those are the only mods on it so far. Ta-da.



I need a new paint and body work BAD. The guy who had this car before me did a Maaco job. I threw up a little once i saw how bad the job was, so i'm thinking a nice blue will work.



The inside i kinda painted a little bit. i'm regretting it though, now seeing how i dont like the color yellow anymore.



My engine:



The end! Thanks for welcoming me to the forum

Posted: October 29th, 2006, 4:31 pm
by Lookwuticando
I think it looks pretty sharp, don't let a couple blemishes on it get you down...

don't see too many yellow ones like that, I like it. Funny, mine had a ding almost just like that in the exact same spot on the hood. Little spot putty/touch up paint, good to go :)

Posted: October 29th, 2006, 5:06 pm
by SuperK
I think the yellow color is fantastic. I can't tell the paint blemishes from the paint job, but I do like the car in yellow. Sure you've got a bit of dings and such, but It's a great ride, I think!

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 11:07 am
by jschrauwen
I'm not sure how much you think you'll need for a new paint job, but going to a 3rd colour could get very expensive in order to do it right. I'm always of the thought that why not remain with the oem original colour, since, for the most part they weren't too bad to begin with .... when they were new. Since it appears that the engine bay reflects the teal green colour (not 100% based on the photo quality), I'd go with a slight variant of the oem colour - perhaps with a pearlescent touch to it. In that way anytime the hood, door jams , hatch jam or anything else is revealed, you won't see a completely different colour. There's nothing more God awfull ugly than to open any one of those places to see a completely different colour.
BTW, painting dash / interior parts to match exterior colour is just way too BLING for me - *read, very tacky*

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 11:17 am
by Tunes67
I agree with John.. besides.. I dont like yellow on a car.. its just wrong.. like men driving volkswagon bugs.. just wrong. :lol:

I am in a similar situation though with my GS.. the stock color is faded in places and even rubbed through on the spoiler and the clear coat has cracked on top where the sunroof is. So a new paint job is definately on the docket soon. Since I got stuck with the ticket color (Red) I will likely paint the car black with red stripes of some sort to tie in the door jams, hatch jams and engine bay.


Posted: October 31st, 2006, 11:22 am
by Lookwuticando
I think yellow looks good on some cars, but bugs look nappy anyway no matter what to me....

Is it that much more expensive just to have the jambs painted along with the rest? Masking off the interior with some kinda plastic sheeting is all it'd take, right?

Of course, if you want to do the bodywork yourself and do a color coat (nothing fancy, i.e. pearls or metallic) and just have the shop shoot a clear like I'm doing, it won't cost too much

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 1:01 pm
by Tunes67
Is it that much more expensive just to have the jambs painted along with the rest? Masking off the interior with some kinda plastic sheeting is all it'd take, right?
The jambs arent the real problem.. its the engine bay. To do the job right.. you need to completely strip the engine bay and repaint it as well. Just my opinion of course.. but I think it looks tacky and.. well.. kinda gay if the exterior of the car is a completely different color than what you see in the engine bay and jambs.. makes it look like a cheap job. Thats just my opinion.. But I doubt you will ever see a show car with a mismatched paint job either ;)


Posted: October 31st, 2006, 1:01 pm
by 666raCing
i totally agree. i got the car yellow from the dealer. i'm really leaning towards the Winning Blue color, again going back to the OEM color. The interior yellow was also painted as well - all i did was the exhaust and the intake.

should i sand the yellow off (which i dont think will be too hard since it's already chipping) til i get to the oem tealish color? any suggestions on what to do next to the exterior?

i'm leaning on the fact that maybe i shouldnt get the hood and the fender fixed and just get a carbon hood and a kit for the car. then get the whole thing painted and kill two birds with one stone. i'm not going to do much for awhile, at least until the spring. too much of a risk riding around in the winter with new exterior.

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 3:22 pm
by Lookwuticando
Alright, but i thought the yellow was kinda cool....

Just get a scuff pad and get every bit of the gloss off, and feather out all the chipped areas with 350 grit or so and some two part spot putty filler.
A mouse sander really helps. Then that can either be primed and painted over directly. Just my poor man's opinion :)

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 6:38 pm
by kp2t
disagree, changing color was a great Idea in my eyes, cuz I love my new color, just the hood is red on mine, so I am not worried, cuz I dont like showing off the engine anyways... so Its not an issue for me,,, my door jams were painted

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 6:46 pm
by Lookwuticando
Yeah, me neither with the leaky valve cover gasket on mine....gots ta get that oily sludge problem under control in that beotch fer starters

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 6:58 pm
by Tunes67
For me it has nothing to do with "showing off" my engine bay.. its about it looking good or "Right" to me.. I really dont care what others think of my car.. but when I open my hood and see that the bay isnt the same color.. it would just remind me that I halfazzed the job. Again.. just my opinion.. if you like your car that way.. more power to you.


Posted: October 31st, 2006, 7:27 pm
by jschrauwen
666raCing; Since you're new, it's best to get started on the right foot. If you're going to post a new thread ensure you are selective with the thread title. Titling a new thread "Hey" serves no one any purpose if this thread is going to be beneficial for future use. Someone asking a similar question like you will never consider a search parameter of "Hey" to find the answers they are looking for.
Something for all newbees to consider as well when initiating a new thread.

Posted: October 31st, 2006, 9:46 pm
by 666raCing
i've been to different car forums before. dont judge the topic by it's title. :shock:

anyways, i do want to get a full-body paint job, even under the hood. i agree that if that is not done, it IS half-azzed. again, the guy who painted the car before me did a crappy Maaco job and they didnt get under the cover.