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GPS anyone?

Posted: August 12th, 2006, 6:26 pm
by hgallegos915
Hey im shopping around for some GPS..


I heard this one IS VERY good.. turn by turn directions.. the works.. however... no battery back up! comes with ac and dc adapter but no battery for portability.

then we got
Garmin eTrex Vista Cx Handheld
color and comes with "recreational maps" ? of america.... uh about the same price as the first but works with AA batt.



very cheap and seems the mo0st reasonable .. needs maps i guess to be loaded.

Last is Laptop gps which is cheap and i guess effecient but you need lapttop of course .

what would u guys choose or have?

Posted: August 12th, 2006, 7:55 pm
by verzutiko
I actually work for Garmin support here in Norway. If you think about the Streetpilor c510 or something similar, I can vouch for them. :wink:

Posted: August 13th, 2006, 3:41 am
by jschrauwen
I'll have GPS incorporated into my CarPC also.

Re: GPS anyone?

Posted: August 13th, 2006, 6:43 am
by verzutiko
hgallegos915 wrote:then we got
Garmin eTrex Vista Cx Handheld
color and comes with "recreational maps" ? of america.... uh about the same price as the first but works with AA batt.
The eTrex Vista CX is not the best GPS to have in your car. It lacks the SIrf III antenna so you may have some difficulties getting a signal. Also, the car kit you have to buy to get the road maps is pretty expensive, so with all the expenses you have to make on this model to get it to perform the task you want, will probably put you in the price range of the more expensive models.


Posted: August 13th, 2006, 3:51 pm
by hgallegos915
Settled for one of garmins products

I know its small but it seems to do what i need , just basic gps. The other expensive ones dont let you freeroam as far u have to input the address.. I heard this one doesnt . The cons are that its very small and only has a scroll wheel and a back button. Its ok for me tho. Seems to do more than the others.

Verzu u work for garmin? how about this product? I got it cheap for 200.

Posted: August 13th, 2006, 4:02 pm
by verzutiko
Don't know the price range for you guys, cause I work in Norway.

The i3 is an ok model, though some dislike the scrollwheel as it takes a long time to input the adress.

Other than that I hope that you'll be satisfied with your purchase.

Posted: August 14th, 2006, 10:14 am
by Custommx3


Posted: August 14th, 2006, 12:49 pm
by mrspanky79
verzutiko maybe you can help me out just started looking for gps and im looking for one that will suit my need. I do allot of off roading and hikeing, I have all the toppigraphical map on my computer but all the roads and trails i take are not marked on any map. So i would like a gps that keeps track of my movment an then later load it overtop of my maps and start compiling my own maps. I know this is more software related but the gps also was to work well with the software.

Posted: August 15th, 2006, 1:37 am
by verzutiko
You say you have all the topographical maps. Are they Garmin related, do they work with the program called Mapsource? If they do, any of the handheld GPS will suit your needs. You just transfer your route from the GPS and load it into Mapsource. Then you can see your trail on the map. I'm not quite sure which models you have in Canada, so I would recommend to go to your nearest dealership and get a catalouge.

Posted: August 27th, 2006, 9:33 am
by DJ
Any other suggestions for a GPS? I'm looking for one that has spoken words and a touch screen. I've been looking into some of the TomTom products.

Heh, and please don't reply with carPC, I repair/build PC's all day, the last place I want to see one is in my car.


Posted: August 27th, 2006, 12:15 pm
by verzutiko
As I work for Garmin, I can recommend their products. I myself have tested many in their range, and I think that they are easy to use, very precise and affordable. Though I don't have any knowledge about Garmins competitors, I'm sure they would work out just as good for you. With the criteria you have in your post I think I would recommend the Streetpilot C5XX or the NĂ¼vi series as they have spoken words and a touch screen. Visit your nearest dealer for more information related to this product.

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 3:22 am
by jschrauwen
What he said.

Google "BU 353", "WIFI", "HQCT", IPod conectivity, DVD-RW/CD-RW, and add those to a touchscreen display, and a processor speed as fast as you want, at least 200 Gb HDD, Audigy soudcard, ATI TV tuner, digital output including optical with 5.1 sound, then connect them to quality speakers being driven by a 2000Watt amp that has optical input and built -in prologic processor, DTS and you've got some serious sound happening.
Tp be able to download all the music you can think of to your HDD and never have to carry a music CD again. Hell, you can even dump a ton of DVD's onto the HDD too.

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 9:49 am
by Custommx3
Not to mention Wireless internet, rearview camera, weather, games, ect.

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 10:06 am
by DJ
All I need is something to tell me to turn right or left.

If I want to watch a movie, i'll watch it at home.
If I want to play a game, i'll play it at home.
If I want to browse the Internet, I'll do it at home.
If I want to check the weather, I will look out the sunroof.
If I want to listen to music, 700MB of mp3 CDs is enough variety.

Now what is left to do in my car? DRIVE! ... and not get lost (the reason I want a GPS)

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 4:04 pm
by Custommx3
DJ wrote:All I need is something to tell me to turn right or left.

If I want to watch a movie, i'll watch it at home.
If I want to play a game, i'll play it at home.
If I want to browse the Internet, I'll do it at home.
If I want to check the weather, I will look out the sunroof.
If I want to listen to music, 700MB of mp3 CDs is enough variety.

Now what is left to do in my car? DRIVE! ... and not get lost (the reason I want a GPS)
Maybe your passenger doesnt like the scenery and wants to watch something.. roadtrips?

Maybe your sitting in the drivethrough or waiting on an appointment and get bored?

Maybe there ssomething in your inbox you need wherever your at, and dont have internet access? maybe that address where you need to be?

Current weather is nice, tomorrows weather can be helpful :)

I get tired of burning cds :)

Just trying to get more people into the carPC scene :0