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How to stop speeding?

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 12:54 am
by Bucking Bronco
I'm hope someone can relate :? I constantly find myself driving to fast, usually 10 or 20 over. I like to be out front, if I'm not out front I start to pass :twisted: It's the devil in me! But I need to stop :oops: I live in a small a-- town and apparently I know how to piss people off :lol: and I love corners :D

So does anyone have any advice? Think it would help if I went to a track?
What did you do? Do I have to put a post it note on my speedo?

Help me! my last 11km home is like a top speed run :twisted: 210+kph

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 1:27 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Maturity...and you have a K8, so you'd have no idea what it's like with a ZE under the hood... :twisted:

But given that, 10 over in city and 20over on the highway (note, this is in Km/h) is the norm. Those are my typical speeds i drive and have never been hassled for it. Man, even my parents drive by the unwritten "9-over" rule for as long as i can remember. In Ontario, you only get points deducted if you're 14 over anyway. Over here, typical cruising speed is arund 120kmh anyway (higher on the 407ETR or on the 401 between Toronto and Ottawa). The only people I know who've gotten tickets were 20+ over in an 80Km/h zone and 30+ over on the highway, so i tend to follow those odds with yet a single speeding ticket, but I very limit myself. but years and years ago (about 6) I got a virbal warning about a 57 in a 40 zone. Oh, and apparently this week a co-worker where my girlfriend works for a ticket for 95 in a 50 I think, this week. It's a very expensive ticket. You know, there some forgiveness in town, like 10km over is easy if your not paying attention, but almost doubling the speed limit in 40 and 50km/h zones is just stupid.

I will admit my confortable cruising speed is 140Km/h and my top speed is a hair over 230Km/h, I am very cautious and limit myself to the extreme speeds maybe a few times a year.

But your speeds and your need to be out front is exactly how I drive. Personally, I believe that being out front helps avoid accidents caused by stupid drivers, and on the highway, because of that, there are only 2 other types of people that catch up to me, faster drivers, which would get pulled over first, or cops, so I take her easy if i can't identify the car behind me coming up faster than I. With that, I only really need to pay attention in front of me. Remember that it's like playing hide-and-seek with cops; If there's a place they can hide, they probably will. Take her easy around those areas (around corners, under overpasses, on onramps so you can't see them until you've passed them). Being ignorant about having a fast pace if only going to get you in trouble..

I also live in a small town and region in which my car seems to be well known and preceeds me, but I try to respect other drivers for that fact, unless they really piss me off.

I lagely go to legalized and organized events, I'm actually going to a SoloII (autocross) event today, pending it doesn't rain, but I can't wait, I've never been. There's a drag strip about 40min away. I used to do all the time, but i wont be going back until i get my tranny rebuilt this winter. Dunnvill and Shannonville have laping days, Dunnville not so often, but i's only 30min away. Shannonville has regular events, but it's about a 2.5 hours drive away. Unfortunately due to work/plans, I have yet to attend any of those type of events. But going to the track and such and getting yourself off there really helps to subdue your "Need For Speed" ;)

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 4:05 am
by hgallegos915
Get alot of speeding tickets and the charged as a felony for driving over 30 (got out of the ticket).. that should stop ya.

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 10:47 am
by Custom_V6_Limited_SE
Double the limit :?: I tripled it once and I'm glad there weren't any cops around :) . 90mph in a 30. The circumstances were that it was late, there was no one around, and I was trying to put space between be and the ideot behind me. He pretty much stayed on my bumper until I took a right-angle turn at 30-35ish and slid around a curve at 90. I don't think his new BMW was capable of handling the way our cars do :lol: . I also like to drive in the front of the pack and will pass everyone if I'm not(granted it's safe to do so)... I also have yet to get pulled over, but, that may be because I have been able to keep my speed down to 10mph over in a 55 for quite a while. I don't know if anyone else has done this, but, I seriously have been able to "sense" when I'm about to come up on a cop. And, btw, that saved me a long time ago when I was screwing around with a mustang on an empty strait-away (Don't know if he was playin' or really couldn't beat me) and we were doing 115mph in a 55. We were doing this for a while and then I got this strange feeling that there was going to be a cop ahead. Not a moment before I finished braking, I saw a cop in the opposing lane and then another and then another. I was like holy crap I'm glad I slowed down. The other guy kept speeding but I think he slowed down enough not to be noticed by the cops. I couldn't list how many times I have gotten this "feeling" whether I was speeding or not and there was always a cop over the next hill or whatever. Now, I don't rely on this "feeling" because it only takes being wrong once to screw yourself over. So, although I haven't gone really fast recently, if I did, I would be slowing down around any possible hiding spots... O, and I don't live in a small town. I live in one of the fastest growing (if not the fastest) areas of the country. We have always had street racing now and then, but, since the population exploded, you can hear people racing every night and there are usually toll booth races every week...

P.S. I do not condone my actions. They are in the past and should remain
that way.

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 4:45 pm
by mitmaks
just think about it that way...if you get tickets they'll take your money away. Slower cars dont work either. I used to speed even in underpowered 88 civic

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 8:08 pm
by Custom_V6_Limited_SE
LOL, that reminds me of a really funny story. One of my friends drives a 63hp Ford Aspire. At a party, everyone busted out laughing when he said that he got a ticket for speeding in a 70mph zone. We didn't think it was possible... From what he said, he had it topped out in top gear (which took forever and a day) and then got a ticket for something like 86 in a 70. I'm surprized the cop was able to keep his composure when he pulled over that insanely over-powered car :twisted: .

Posted: July 31st, 2006, 12:02 am
by Typhoonk
I got nailed for doing 160 something just east of bowmanville on the 401 :twisted: there was no one on the hwy and it was late. Cop was hiding at a dark truck check point.
He said he would give me a break, but I still would have to go to court. I've never been pulled over for a speeding ticket before. So this was BIG.
But it turns out the officer never filed the ticket or charge, - so I go a letter in the mail saying so. I've kept it ever since....just in case. Very lucky.... :P

But I got a strip on my way home too - but I've only been able to go 0 (from a light, then a long strip of pavment, no intersections) 170km/h before having to slow down......But I know what you mean - got too stop :roll:

But we'll see....

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 6:25 pm
by solo_ryder
put a peice of 2X4 under your gas pedal, you stop speeding and save gas. :)

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 11:27 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Custom_V6_Limited_SE wrote:I don't know if anyone else has done this, but, I seriously have been able to "sense" when I'm about to come up on a cop.
Oh yes, it's the weirdest feeling you get after when your feeling was rights. It's saved me many times.

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 1:03 am
by Typhoonk
Nd4SpdSe wrote:
Custom_V6_Limited_SE wrote:I don't know if anyone else has done this, but, I seriously have been able to "sense" when I'm about to come up on a cop.
Oh yes, it's the weirdest feeling you get after when your feeling was rights. It's saved me many times.
I look at the pic then I read the quote - and it's like I'm watching the movie again!! Lol...... ya ya I know, I'm going to bed.....need sleep

oh and Just for the f of it her's another pic :shock: :shock:

Posted: August 3rd, 2006, 10:06 am
by MechaManZero
Typhoonk wrote:Image

I went 110mph in my Nissan 240sx many times. Unfortunatly I wish I could tsop speeding too. But the area that I always hit 110 in doesn't have many cops patrolling. But I do feel bad for the cops going the other direction because of the divider. :twisted:

Posted: August 5th, 2006, 6:43 pm
by Bucking Bronco
Thanks for the replies :) I guess I'm not the only one :D
I found a way to stop temporarily :oops: break you car :twisted:

I "sensed" I should have turned around and gone home, but noooo, I had to go do a burn out of a fucken wooden bridge and break a cv :D

I did it because I was happy though...I'm going to be a Daddy :wink:

Posted: August 5th, 2006, 6:57 pm
by JWMX3
you know its bad when you "hope" to get stuck behind a slowpoke just to give yourself an excuse to rip by them at 95mph .... hehhehe

i find i can keep my speeds down in certain areas.... but where i know there is usually no cops... just let loose 8)

Posted: August 13th, 2006, 9:41 pm
by vasilaar
i run in to this every day... i'm on the 401 every day (100km/h).. and i find myself doing 170km... every day... u just have to kno the roads and where the cops are...
but to slo down... i donno man... i've tried... and i've even posted the tickets i've got int he past, but that didn't stop me. u just have to find ur own thing... know when to drive slo, and when u can drive fast...

*i'm running on 3 and a bit years with no "Traffic Infractions" tickets... *KNOCKS ON WOOD*... and i still speed every day... so good luck to u... and i'm glad to see that u are admitting that u have a problem...

Posted: August 13th, 2006, 11:32 pm
by jaschke
haha, on a semi unrelated note, i love that mikes (nd4spd) replies are always SO LONG
