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so um... yeah.

Posted: July 20th, 2006, 9:52 pm
by therieldeal
so yesterday i joined these forums, and posted a "whats up i'm new here" thread here in the off topic forum. also threw in a quick WTB, since i cant post in the for sale forum. i figured off topic would be a good spot to post, since... off topic means no specific topic.

i guess my thread wasnt off topic enough, because it got deleted. every board ive even been a member on has generally left OT fairly unmoderated aside from vulgarity, or possibly moving threads to appropriate forums.

just a little put off by this, hoping for some insight as to what the problem is. i'd love to contribute to your forum, i know a good amount about the BP, GTX, BG chassis, etc. i'm in the process of building an escort BPT.

basically, i'm just annoyed that my post was deleted for no reason. its not like i was trying to sell bogus stuff, i was asking to BUY something. no way i could rip anyone off there... check my profile on, ive been there for a while, i'm a paying member with over 800 posts.


Posted: July 20th, 2006, 10:17 pm
by Franko
It happens.. Ive had stuff deleted on me before. I guess its just how they like to moderate. :P

Posted: July 20th, 2006, 10:25 pm
by therieldeal
alright, i mean i cant really tell them how to moderate, i hope no one thinks i'm trying to do that.

i just want some mx3 parts! lol


Posted: July 20th, 2006, 10:30 pm
by johnnyb
the moderators feel the wtb threads should be kept to the for sale forum. I tried suggesting a wtb forum because they have made a minimum of 30 posts to post in the for sale forum due to scammers trying to sell things.

I'm not sure why they would delete a wtb thread, you're looking for parts and havent posted the required 30 posts as of yet. I think the for sale forum should be open to everyone. this site shouldnt be responsible for protecting people from scammers. If a scammer really wants to sell something they'll just post 30 BS threads, its not hard to do on this board. If someone agrees to buy something on these boards and they get scammed its their own problem not the websites.

Posted: July 20th, 2006, 10:32 pm
by therieldeal
thats my exact feelings as well... anyone can post 30 posts. it doesnt make you any more legit... i'm going around trying to answer questions and whatnot right now, to get my post count up haha


Posted: July 20th, 2006, 11:39 pm
by precidian
if you want to buy some parts, look at what is for sale and then message them about it. Either in the thread that is stared or via pm.

On the board where I am an admin, we also have a 30 post rule. Basically we don't want people coming on for one post and maybe never coming back to check, etc.

If you want to help out people on the forum, take a look at all the different topics and try to help the best you can. From that you post count will rise. Then when you hit 30, you are good to go. Plus it give peole who would be dealing with you some comfort you are contributing to the site.

In a way it is like eBay.. it helps weed out some of the bad apples... I know several people that have posted WTB threads only to scam the people that were offering to help. So IMO, it is a good thing.

Posted: July 21st, 2006, 12:12 am
by therieldeal
hmm, alright. i'm trying to contribute to the FI forum. i should have 30 posts pretty soon


Posted: July 21st, 2006, 12:46 am
by Mnemonic
therieldeal wrote:thats my exact feelings as well... anyone can post 30 posts. it doesnt make you any more legit... i'm going around trying to answer questions and whatnot right now, to get my post count up haha


Actually no because we've deleted and banned several people that have done that in the past. We do look in on the new guys that post in the FS forums as well to make sure they are not typing up BS. The 30 post count requirements is to make sure we keep scammers away. And it is somewhat our job to make sure you dont get scammed, If people are on this forum scamming people and we know it then we are at fault for not providing our members with enough security to keep them from getting scammed.

All the moderators are fair but we are strict when it comes to the rules.

Posted: July 21st, 2006, 12:55 am
by therieldeal
well i can understand that then, you guys have your rules and thats cool with me. i hope you dont think i am a scammer now or something :shock:

i'm not post whoring btw, i'm actually trying to help out and whatnot. but yeah...

*cough* pm me if you have a black mx3 lower dash and center console *cough*


Posted: July 21st, 2006, 9:27 am
by Custommx3
Mnemonic wrote:
therieldeal wrote:thats my exact feelings as well... anyone can post 30 posts. it doesnt make you any more legit... i'm going around trying to answer questions and whatnot right now, to get my post count up haha


Actually no because we've deleted and banned several people that have done that in the past. We do look in on the new guys that post in the FS forums as well to make sure they are not typing up BS. The 30 post count requirements is to make sure we keep scammers away. And it is somewhat our job to make sure you dont get scammed, If people are on this forum scamming people and we know it then we are at fault for not providing our members with enough security to keep them from getting scammed.

All the moderators are fair but we are strict when it comes to the rules.
Thanks Brian.

Just because someones wanting to buy something doesnt mean they cant also scam...

I understand lots of new people get irritated with the 30 post rule, but if you were one of the people that have been scammed in the past, you would appreciate this rule for what it is, limited protection (nothings perfect). These 1 post wonders who sign up just to buy something or sell something isnt fair to those who contribute to the site. This site isnt free. The server has to be paid for and we rely mostly on contributions. Believe it or not I think we've had in the past a donation from a stolen CC. Unfortunatley, this is a rule thats not going away.

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 11:21 pm
by GregoryChristian
well you just made 5 posts in this topic :)

Posted: July 24th, 2006, 12:47 am
by therieldeal
make that 6 :)

i'm trying to help out where i can so my posts arent just a bunch of BS. sadly you guys dont have a very fast moving FI section :( , thats where i could probably offer the most help.


Posted: July 27th, 2006, 8:12 pm
by hgallegos915
Im order to get some positive feedback and good responses you need start posting .. of course also in the right forums. Its simple.. read the faqs use search before asking and you will find a world of information that you can not find ANYWHERE.. and that is a prooven fact... dealership did not know what a KFZE was... lol