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Distributor Swappin' Questions.

Posted: July 9th, 2006, 9:49 pm
by tehbrookzorz

I was looking at the online shop manual, and noticed that it says it's mainly for cars of the model year 1995, but some sections may apply to other model years. My girlfriend's MX-3 is from 1992, and is probably the same, but I just want to make sure.

I'm sure she needs a new distributor. Luckily, hers is under warranty so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle getting a new one. The only problem is, I want to do the repair work, but I want to have some guidelines so I don't screw the car up more than it already is (though I think that would be difficult).

Can somebody link me to a how-to or give me a rough rundown of how to do this? I have looked around the archives, but apparently my internet searching skills aren't what they used to be.

Thanks for all the help!

Posted: July 9th, 2006, 10:10 pm
by jschrauwen
I believe the online shop manual will give you all you need to do the removal and replacement. However, if it's covered under warranty, why in the world you want to experiment your mechanical prowess on someone elses car when it can be done for free by a professional? If more info regarding electrical issues, always refer to Grant's site(s);

Posted: July 9th, 2006, 10:13 pm
by johnnyb

The problem may lie on the mechanic. The parts are covered under warranty but if the part fails in that warranty time the mechanic can charge labour to replace the warrantied part. I've gone through this with the company i work fors mechanic when he works on the service vehicle.

A little loophole in the system if you will.

As for replacing the distributor, mark the position of the old distributor, remove the distributor cap and keep note of which way the rotor is positioned, remove the 2 bolts then go get your new one, put it in the hole (it will only fit in one way), put the bolts in and line it up with the mark you made for positioning and tighten, make sure the rotor is put onto the distributor facing the same direction, reinstall the cap and presto you're finished.

Posted: July 9th, 2006, 11:00 pm
by hgallegos915
To remove disty.. dosconnect all spark plug cables (firing order is easy.. cyl number 6 is next to disty) Unplug harness,remove disty cap and NOTE the position of the Rotor. theres only 2 .. Unbolt both screws .. pull out.. get new disty and bolt it to same position with rotor facing same way. Install cap, connect harness and wires and zoom zoom... its not really that hard. I did it without using any manual.