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the death of a cat

Posted: July 6th, 2006, 10:45 pm
by ninjajim4
monday afternoon, my gf decides she has a taste for ice cream. we jump into my car and shoot off to the local DQ, about 3/4 of a mile away. almost immediately we smell something burning and wonder if it's coming from my car. two stoplights later, it's clear my car is the source.

we pull into the DQ parking lot and i pop the hood to see what the problem is. so i'm poking around making sure nothing's touching the headers or the belts or the radiator. leslie thinks the smell's coming from the other side, near the battery. and then i hear what sounds like a kid crying: 'waaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr'. my gf jumps back immediately, and i'm still poking around, thinking it's some kid in the parking lot. then i hear it again, and realize it's coming from the frickin engine bay!!

there's a freakin CAT in my engine!!

so i'm like.. oh sh*t! what do we do?? i look in, and this poor guy is allllll the way at the bottom, BEHIND the engine block. basically mashed in between the block and the booster, lookin pretty damn stuck. my gf goes to a resturant and gets a bucket of water, and i dump it all over the poor bastard, to cool him off, since his a-- is right on the back exhaust primaries.

so while we're waiting, i jack the car up to see if we can get it out from beneath the car. looks like a no go. i take the wheel off the see if he can get out through there -- from there i can see the cat's face. he see us looking in and starts meowing. really sad. but there's no room to pull him out. the animal control cop comes, and wants to try and pull him out through the top, so i take off the strut bar, take out the battery, and pull off the battery plate. then the guy takes this pole with a noose on the end of it, puts it around the cat's neck and pulls like hell. doesn't do any good and looks like it hurt the hell outta the cat. he doesn't know what else to do, and goes off to another call.

so then i figure the best thing to do is take the header primaries off from the bottom and make enough room to try to pull him out from underneath. so i have a go at this for about an hour, in the parking lot while this cat is meowing and crying.. and i just dont have the tools or the space to get them off there. so i take the bumper off, so we can have the car towed to a shop. we had to call around to 4 or 5 shops before we found one that would even help, and then called the cop to meet us there.

so then, the shop guy unbolts the headers, but didn't really try my idea of pulling him out from beneath. i don't know why... then they bring the car down and take a crobar to try and shift the block so maybe the cat can get out. the mechanic pries with the bar while the cop keeps tugging on this cat's neck, and none of it works... the mechanic thinks it's not THAT tight, that if the cat were knocked out, maybe he'd be limp enough to pull out. so the cop goes back to the car to get on the radio and talk to a city vet.

in the meantime, it's going on 5 hours that this poor cat has been stuck. the shop owner went out and bought some milk for the cat when we got there, so now i gave him some, and he drank a little. it was just sad... he was hardly moving, and didn't meow.. his eyes were all glassy and half closed. it looked like he was dying.

it was already past closing time, and the shop guys wanted to go home. so we push the car out into the parking lot and they close up and bail. the cop came back and told us they were going to put the cat to sleep and then pull him out.

i'd spent the better half of the day working to get this poor cat out.. i don't think i really thought he was going to die. it just felt like it was all for nothing. so the vet came and did her thing. me and the girlie walked off a ways and sat around until they took care of business.

the cop said once the cat had died, he hardly had to pull at all to get him out.. it made me think i should have just left the car there and hopefully the cat could have gotten out on his own. i did suggest that, but then who knows...? what if the cat's still there the next day, been suffering all night? at any rate the cop didn't want to take that chance and have to come out again the next day -- he'd already spent too much time on the one call. likewise they didn't have the resources to tranquilize the cat instead of euthanize it.

well.. that's the story. my engine bay is full of cat hair and still smells kinda burnt. i don't even like cats. but still.. it was one of the worst independence eves in recent memory :(

Posted: July 6th, 2006, 11:51 pm
by fieromx3
thats just sad reading all that :( and its also really sad how ppl just bailed cuz they wanted to go home meanwhile the poor cat was in there... bastards. i wonder how the hell the cat got in there in the first place..

Posted: July 7th, 2006, 10:09 am
by atlantamx3
Saddest story EVER.


Posted: July 7th, 2006, 10:44 am
by V8KOMX3
the whole time I was thinking why not give the cat a sedative problem solved, but you are a great person in my book for taking that much time and effort. Sorry it had to end so unhappy. Bob Barker Always said Spay or Nueter your pets, and that is why, well kinda.

Posted: July 8th, 2006, 6:33 am
by Juggalomastaxx
I just would've broke the cats neck and if he didn't come out whole then it'd be in peices. Just for being in my car without permission.(if i was a crappy day of course, if not then i would've done the same)

Posted: July 8th, 2006, 3:20 pm
by Harbinger
Point is dood, you pretty much stripped ur ride just to try to get the cat out. You tried your hardest and thats what matters

No worries...although you might wanna find out how the cat got into the Engine bay...could be a potential problem if you have an exposed hole big enough from the botttom of the car?!?! lol

Posted: July 8th, 2006, 5:22 pm
by Koof
can't you tranquilize an animal the same way you euthanize it? seems pretty simple. just fill the needle with a different liquid

Posted: July 8th, 2006, 7:03 pm
by V8KOMX3
it prolly broke down to the euth costing less then a tranq. people are cheap when it comes to animals, which is understandable.

Posted: July 9th, 2006, 1:57 am
by hgallegos915
I tought this was going to be a story on the cat converter and dam.. thats sad... poor kitty. I would not have been able to sleep
poor innocent thing.