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Time for a service on my MX-3 V6?

Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 7:54 am
by nexus
Hi again! (been many posts last days :lol:)

Okey, my cars have done 153 000km, and I have owned is since 142 000km. Only thing I've done to the car is changing motor oil (used Shell helix full synthetic).

Now, I don't have my cars service book, so I have no freakin clue when something was replaced on this baby...

Some may say I'm crazy buying a car from germany without complete service book, but I'm not... my grandfather who's both a mechanic and also Norways #1 Mazda seller 6 years a row (and with over 25 years of selling only Mazda) helped me when I bought the car... so I KNOW my car is in good shape... but that doesn't mean it's on time replacing some parts..

Now, what would you guys suggest that I check on my car to see if they need replacement?

Is there any parts that you know for sure that needs to be replaced now?
Thanks for all your help!

PS: I'm thinking of buying this B&M Short Shifter: ... d=&s=&mid=

Could I expect better acceleration on this replacement? Would it be worth the money, even though I don't get any better acceleration?

Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 9:37 am
by V8KOMX3
short shifter in IMO is just fro looks and as far as changing parts check the basics. Do you have leaks, creeeks, smells, anything that seems outa place, Check your belts, a big thing also is check your grounds. Start there but without pics or the prefered being there it's hard to say what should or should not be replaced.

and you still dont know?

Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 11:03 am
by rayrrod
YOU say>>>
Now, I don't have my cars service book, so I have no freakin clue when something was replaced on this baby...

YOU ALSO SAY>> my grandfather who's both a mechanic and also Norways #1 Mazda seller 6 years a row (and with over 25 years of selling only Mazda) helped me when I bought the car

YOU ASK>>>Now, what would you guys suggest that I check on my car to see if they need replacement?

Is there any parts that you know for sure that needs to be replaced now?

I ASK>> Why doesnt your grand daddy help you on that. am sure, with over 25 years experience selling ONLY MAZDAs, he would know. He does not even have to look at any servicebook. He has experience!
Who better to ask than him? Lucky you.

Re: and you still dont know?

Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 1:52 pm
by nexus
rayrrod wrote:YOU say>>>
Now, I don't have my cars service book, so I have no freakin clue when something was replaced on this baby...

YOU ALSO SAY>> my grandfather who's both a mechanic and also Norways #1 Mazda seller 6 years a row (and with over 25 years of selling only Mazda) helped me when I bought the car

YOU ASK>>>Now, what would you guys suggest that I check on my car to see if they need replacement?

Is there any parts that you know for sure that needs to be replaced now?

I ASK>> Why doesnt your grand daddy help you on that. am sure, with over 25 years experience selling ONLY MAZDAs, he would know. He does not even have to look at any servicebook. He has experience!
Who better to ask than him? Lucky you.
I'm fully aware that it seems very odd asking for help about this in here, when my grandfather now theese cars so very well, but I'm asking here because I don't want to annoy him all the time with my "help" questions. And also; Even though he has been a dedicated Mazda seller for 25 years, that doesn't mean he knows everything about all the cars... after all: MX-3 wasn't actually a "big sales hit", at least not here in norway... :wink:

Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 2:51 pm
by verzutiko
Just check your service manual (the book with instructions to your car) about the different servicetimes and what has to be replaced.

I'd guess that your car is a GS (V6)? And manual? If so, then I have the same car and I've owned mine fom 235.000km to 265.000km without any major problems. Things you'd probably should check out is the wheel wells for rust, alternator, cv joints (really don't know what this is, but they seem to be a problem for most people).

As for the B&M short shift, I've installed mine 3 weeks ago, and I think it's very good. Not really looks, because it didn't shortened the gear lever any. Be sure to buy the SRD performance bushings for your transmission.

A link to a norwegian site that has a forum for MX3 which I and Mexos frequently visit:

Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 9:38 pm
by Lesley
How about cap & plugs, bleed clutch & brake fluid for starters? You might want to take a look at your pads and rotors too. You could also replace your air & oil & pvc filters. (all of which are pretty easy)

With any luck there's a sticker under your hood saying when the timing belt was last done. (not so easy, I sent it out to get that one done :) )

I did all of the above, plus water pump when I got my car, but it has 199,000 kms and had sat for over a year.