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female troubles, what to do?

Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 11:40 pm
by 2.5mazda
Hello guys, I dont know what to do.:???:

Here is where it began, I have a friend that moved here (Iowa) from California 3 years ago. He just had an old best freind come out to visit him, she got in on Saturday. Well, I didnt think anything of it right? The next day me and My buddy were going to help a freind put a clutch in his Acura Integra. Needless to say, he brought his female friend (Natalie) with him, again, I say thats cool.....until I arrive at out buddy with the Integra's house. I see Natalie sitting there on the driveway with a lowcut shirt, bellybutton ring, and a beutiful figure to say the least. I am now distracted, yet again, Itry not to let it bother me because she is only here until Friday, and I dont even know her. Well, after a bit, she was hungry and my buddys had run to O'reilly's to grab some needed items. I told her I would take her somewhere quick. We hop in the MX-3 and we were off. She comments on my leather interior, I thank her. Next thing you know we are in a deep conversation about anything and everything. To put it simply, we just clicked. I havent ever had that feeling in my stomach before. I took her out for dinner last night (Sunday) and we were just inseperable. I couldnt beleive it, here is someone I just met, and I felt like I had known her for a year! I already know her better than some of my ex's. You may think I am crazy for this, but I know I am not, my gut feeling tells me I HAVE to do somthing. You all know how far California is from Iowa, like a 28 hour drive. That just wouldnt work. She is already talking with her friend about how long it would take to drive out here......and she hasnt even left yet. She flew in on a plane this time around. I dont know if I am losing it, or if there is truly somthing here I need to pursue. What if I try to forget about it and it comes back as the biggest mistake ever, and I regret it not knowing what could have been? There is such a strong connection that it is undeniable. I need help guys, what do I do? I am excited just by the possibility of getting to see her tomorrow. She is 22, and has a future ahead of her. I dont want to let it go, but at the same time, how could it ever work?

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 12:08 am
by mr1in6billion
Just move to Cali. I've been to Iowa. Theres nothing to miss once your gone.

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 12:18 am
by ariesdude
I had a similar experience in the (relatively) recent past - but could not tolerate her after the first night of .... Things changed completely after that - and suddenly this cool girl that i could talk to about anything turned into a controlling b*tch that wanted to make my life "better".

But, i still suggest that you give it time and try it out - the two of you may have to keep flying to each other (driving may be costlier in terms of time, gas and engine wear). But think about it - If things do work out and since you are 18 - you may have the option of moving to her place and starting college or something - or she could move out to your place and do her thing. And if things dont work out - all you loose is a bit of money, and maybe a bit of sleep. If you dont try at all - you will have a sore spot in your memory always nagging you "what if .....". IMO Basically you probably got nothing to loose by trying this out and probably torture yourself later if you let it go. You are both "very" young and there are infinite possibilities.

On a side note - IMO CA is much more exciting than Iowa.

Well, they say true love conquers all - but from my experience - all my long distance "true love" cases couldnt withstand the test of time. I also have a self regulated policy of not dating anyone 2 years younger or older than me (which i find is a really good way to be single!). But that's just me and my experiences - may not apply to you at all - but might help you avoid the same mistakes.

(looking at the title i was all ready to suggest tampax or something :lol: but settled for this long boring suggestion instead)

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 12:47 am
by mitmaks
so your friend is like best friends with this girl? GF/BF kinda?

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 8:37 am
by Meep
ariesdude wrote:looking at the title i was all ready to suggest tampax or something :lol:
Yeah, tampax fixes all womanly problems, just give her some of those. J/k

In all honesty, if you think its worth the effort go ahead and pursue her. I don't suggest just uprooting yourself and throwing yourself at her but perhaps get to know eachother a lot better before making any permanant or irreversible plans (moving costs money, talking on the internet is *comparatively* free). I've never had a long distance relationship (unless you count my husband being in Iraq) but from those I've witnessed, they don't always work out. I guess that also applies to local dating as well, it just ends quicker if its not meant to be.

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 12:58 pm
by rsroadkilla
your 18 dude.

When i was 18 i thought i had found the right girl, but 4 months down the line we broke up... now im 21 and have been with my girlfriend for just over 2 years now.... and we didnt even like each other when we first got together! We weerew both on the rebound and now here we are 2 years later all loveed up!

Your meet and fall in love with someone else!

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 8:24 pm
by 2.5mazda
Well, just got off the phone and we are heading out for round 2 this evening! I cant wait yet at the same time I am scared, I do NOT want to become attatched but I know I wont be able to help myself once in her company... AAAHHH the power of women!!! lol

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 11:01 pm
by mitmaks
Youre only 18 though. YOu dont have to hurry, being with someone for life gf/wife is big decision. You can't just make up your mind in couple days. YOu have to really know person for few years preferrably before you want to see if you're really for each other.

Re: female troubles, what to do?

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 11:05 pm
by Bochek
2.5mazda wrote:You all know how far California is from Iowa, like a 28 hour drive. That just wouldnt work.
Dude, you got a ze, now its only a 18 hour dirve :twisted:


Posted: May 25th, 2006, 3:02 pm
by 2.5mazda
lol, screw it, it isnt worth it, I dont know what I was thinking. I said peaceout today and went to get started on my brake job, lol

Posted: May 25th, 2006, 3:45 pm
by solo_ryder
Lol anything bad happen? I have been watching this thread and now it stops :( It was like a tv show

Posted: May 25th, 2006, 3:58 pm
by mymx.3
If it was a couple hours away .. different story .. 2 hrs of driving is nothing to me now .... if someone lived within that .... I would at least try out the relationship ............ wow 18 hrs ....... no chance and definately not worth it


Posted: May 25th, 2006, 7:13 pm
by 2.5mazda
what do you mean solo ryder? Did anything happen? As in good/ bad/ erotic/ mediocre.....???

Posted: May 25th, 2006, 8:06 pm
by Legato626
Like my bigger brother always told me. There are always mroe fish in the sea and she is only a little guppy! There are always better girls out there.

Posted: May 25th, 2006, 9:19 pm
by Neil
2.5mazda wrote:lol, screw it, it isnt worth it, I dont know what I was thinking. I said peaceout today and went to get started on my brake job, lol
If she really likes you she'll come to you. Otherwise dont go looking for a relationship, just keep doing your own thing and eventually you'll find the one.