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Anyone BMX bike?

Posted: May 16th, 2006, 6:16 pm
by MX-3 Money
Well ever since I was a kid I've always wanted a bmx bike, from watching movies like RAD(sweet 80's bmx bike movie) and from playing California Games. So I've finally decided to go out and get one. Only thing is I don't know anything about them and what to look for. So if anyone knows there stuff and can recommend a good starter bike let me know. Also where I can get said bike and how much it would be around(I'm not looking to pay a lot of money here). So let me know!

Posted: May 17th, 2006, 1:12 am
by Vanished
AH yes another bmxer..

i flatland, but i haven't as much since i got my mx-3...

the first thing you wanna look at is what your doing....theres a coupel different categories that you can try out. Then theres "street" which is pretty much a bmx you can do anything on, but nothing well. It's good to get you started to see what you want to do more of, but thats about it. They're common and cheap too...

1) Flatland
2) Dirt Jump
3) Racing
4) Vert/Park/Street (pretty much the same)

Some cheap common brands that are reliable include:

Free Agent
Diamond Back

something abit more highend includes brands like

Red Line

When your buying a bmx, makes sure it has the following

- Breaks that grab HARD...very important..any semi-high to highend will have good breaks no matter what.
- Some sort of gyro is usefull unless your strickly racing
- 3 peice cranks are VERY important
- Lightweight frame
- A frame that fits you (unless your doing flat, in which case you want a smaller frame that what is comfrotable)

when you get more style specific (flat, race, street etc) than your gonna want to look at things like

-differnt handle bars (some have lower cross bar, good for flat land)
-curved frames for more foot room (for flat)
-bigger/smaller pegs (street/flat)
-uber lightweight frames (racing)

its endless.

I'd look into the Haro for a first bike, i personally own one...they're alright priced, good quality, redily available, and versitile. Go with something from the backtrail or F series to start.

Posted: May 19th, 2006, 4:07 pm
by MX-3 Money
Hey thanks for the info. Just a couple questions about it tho. What do you mean by "Some sort of gyro is usefull unless your strickly racing" and "3 peice cranks are VERY important". Just not to sure on what your talking about there. Also did you get your bike from a bike store or from a big box store like sportscheck or national sports? Thanks again!

Posted: May 20th, 2006, 1:59 pm
by em-ex-3
i used to bmx myself.. fun sport 8)

a gyro is a braking device that allows you to spin your handbars in circles limitless times without getting stuck with the cord wrapping around ..

a 3 piece crank is also a good idea.. like the name.. it comes basically in 3 peices.. 2 arms and what ever the middle piece is called.. lmao
they Spin and flow better... also the bearing and arms are more durable ... so when you do tricks they wont warp bend or break

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 10:46 am
by MX-3 Money
Well I went and picked up a bike its a haro mirra 540 and I love it. Just started riding it last night and I sorta can do a bunny hop! But just sitting on it makes me feel cooler lol.

Posted: May 26th, 2006, 4:32 pm
by V8KOMX3
Well I did BMX for many years and was a state champ 3 years in a row, and the bike you got will work just fine. to start you never want anything expensive cuz your just going to thrash it. Good luck with your new hobby and hit me back if you need some info or help.

Posted: May 27th, 2006, 11:49 am
by MX-3 Money
Well are there any good sites or videos for learning some tricks. I can do a pretty good bunny hop, but thats about it.

Posted: May 27th, 2006, 2:52 pm
by V8KOMX3
Dave mirra has a good dvd out, but the best way to learn a trick is to try it. I will try and get some site for you.

Posted: June 25th, 2006, 2:04 pm
by Vanished
I thought i'd resurect this to ask how your BMXing endevour is goin'. Any new tricks? I used this site alot for my flat tricks

Posted: June 29th, 2006, 10:34 pm
by mazdamx3sohc
i used to bike a while back, i dirt jumped and park. i was actually sponcored by gt and jnco. i got out of it since im like 6 foot 2 and 260 pounds. but i still know my stuff, haro is the best way to go.
Your basic haro bikes include:
some with sealed bearing 3-pc crank
oversized axle rims
sealed wheel bearings
nicer seats and handle bars and a decent set of brakes.

i like gt, they were a little sportier, especially there flatland line.

If you wanna go all out get something along the lines of:
Nice frame of your choice (size lengths differ.)
Sealed headset
Primo or profile 3 pc crank, sealed pedals
oddysee hazzard wheels
oddysee brakes
you pretty much get the idea, i havent checked but im sure this post was a while ago and i hope this helps anyways

ALSO check out this site for all your bmx needs:

Posted: July 1st, 2006, 12:56 am
by MX-3 Money
Well I've found a couple good sites and have been riding like crazy. Got the bunny hop down, and almost have the bar spin, manual, pogos, and a couple other tricks. Still getting use to riding a bmx.

I actually just orders some shoes and a dvd on dan's comp, sweet a-- site!