CF Rad Support & CF Gas Door Group Buy *EXTENDED DATE!*

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CF Rad Support & CF Gas Door Group Buy *EXTENDED DATE!*

Post by Neil »

Carbon Fiber Group Buy Information as follows listed below:

Carbon Fiber Rad Support $150 Canadian shipped in Canada/USA.
Carbon Fiber Gas Door $50 Canadian shipped in Canada/USA.
Carbon Fiber Rad & Gas Door $190 Canadian shipped in Canada/USA.

These group buy prices have been EXTENDED until April 30th!

Payments will be available through Paypal(3% paypal charge must be included) Certified checks and Money orders.
There will be a additional 5% donation to

Oscar @ Pakfeifer will be making all the parts. These carbon fiber parts will be manufactured by Pakfeifer Canada.

I myself will be organizing and running the group buy for Oscar. I will be collecting all payments, then sending the money to Oscar @ Pakfeifer. If you wish to be included in this group buy you must contact me. You can either PM me through the message board or email me at

All parts will be shipped from Oscar @ Pakfeifer. The manufacturing time required for this group buy is about 3-5 weeks from time Oscar receives the payments. Delivery times on shipping are 2-5 business days, all parts will be shipped in the order payment is received.

For those who have already paid me. Oscar@Pakfeifer will be taking care of refunding the difference in prices that you paid earlier. To make things fair. If you have any questions email me or PM me

Payments Received In Order To Date:

Carbon Fiber Rad Support:
1 )Central MX (Josh) (Payment Recieved) (n)
2 )Steve (BabyBlueMX3) (Payment Recieved) (o)
3 )Ralph Bédard (JM1EC-V6) (Payment Recieved) (n)
4 )
5 )
6 )
7 )
8 )
9 )
10 )

Carbon Fiber Gas Door:
1 )Patrick Silbernagel (Legato626) (Payment Recieved) (n)
2 )
3 )
4 )
5 )
6 )
7 )
8 )
9 )
10 )

Carbon Fiber Rad Support AND Gas Door Cover
1 )Neil Longbottom (Neil) (Payment recieved) (n)
2 )
3 )
4 )
5 )
6 )
7 )
8 )
9 )
10 )
Last edited by Neil on April 30th, 2006, 12:12 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Post by Neil »

Pictures of the Carbon Fiber parts listed below:

Carbon Fiber Radiator Support

Carbon Fiber Gas Door Cover
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Post by Neil »

How to remove your OEM gas door cover:

There is a total of 4 spot welds on your gas door. 2 on each side.

You must drill out all 4 spot welds so that you can than prie them apart with a screw driver. Use a smaller drill bit to start the hole, than once you get through use a larger drill bit to finish the hole.

Prie the gas door cover off using a screw driver, gently prie it so that you dont bend the inside frame which you are going to re-use for the carbon fiber gas door cover.
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Post by Neil »

The group buy has been extended to run until April 30th! Common guys!
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Post by Neil »

To all the people who participated in this group buy. I will be sending all the information and money to Oscar@PakfeiferCanada today or tommrow.

The parts should be ready within 2-3 weeks. Once they're finished they will be shipped to you all in the order payments were received!

Thanks to all those who took part! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
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Post by Neil »


For those who're waiting, the rad supports are done, i am not sure if the gas doors are done yet or not but here is a pic of the rad supports.

I will add a picture of the gas doors if i get one.

Just so everyone knows everything should be shipped ASAP.
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Post by Neil »


Here are the Carbon Fiber Gas door pictures. These should also be shipped ASAP included with your rad support if you ordered both.
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