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Weird thumping noise as i drive

Posted: March 2nd, 2006, 2:25 am
by xerostatus
the ze's (the car, not the engine) developed an odd thumping noise. I didnt have it at first, but one day it just started, and sometimes goes away, but it has become noticably more severe now. I've looked under the car for any obvious culprits, but i cant seem to see anything out of place. The sound comes from the rear, and i *think* its more along the right (passenger) side. The thumping is a low thump that changes in increases in speed along with the speed (likewise when i slow down it slows down as well), and tonight i noticed it gets worst when i hit the brakes and slow down. If anyone can point me in the right direction to where i should be looking for problems, i'd appreciate it, thanks.

Posted: March 2nd, 2006, 7:31 am
by neutral
Possible worn rear wheel bearing. Read here for more info. ... highlight=

A bad bearing can show itself as a vibration, and/or intermittent propeller type noise (like the whomp whomp sound of helicoptor blades) that may first be most noticeable when the car first starts rolling. As the bearing wears, the noise becomes more apparent at different speeds. It can also be most noticeable when brakes are applied because the braking action changes the stresses on the worn bearings while braking. fwiw.