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As our cars become older...

Posted: February 24th, 2006, 10:25 am
by Shades
... they become cheaper due to depreciation, in turn more and more of the younger generation are being able to buy it.

This will help continue the car that everyone loves and enjoys.

Since younger generation are able to afford these car, it seens that they hear word of a swap of more power... most think it's drop, plug and play. Not even close...

... I also find that more and more of the same questions that were asked in the FAQ's are being asked in the forums by new members that haven't browsed the forum or even found the search button.

I feel the forums are getting cluttered with repeat questions that could easily be answered by the FAQ, and a little searching.

That's my 2 cents for the day... ciao!

Posted: February 24th, 2006, 10:39 am
by Tunes67
I agree whole heartedly. I like helping folks out, people that are new to working on cars and arent sure what to do. I have been there and I know the value of someone willing to help. Either by grabbing a wrench or with some timely advice or even just some encouragement. But a lot of younger folks (and I am not pointing fingers at anyone here) seem to just expect the world on a platter for them. Keep in mind folks.. that just a little more than a year ago.. I had never laid a wrench on a MX-3. Most of the knowledge I have garnered about the car came from simple searching and reading. The shop manual is an invaluable tool even if it is a bit dry to read ;) And the search function.. so many complain that it doesnt work right.. well it is going to give you responses that you dont need.. and a lot of them.. but eventually.. you will find what you are looking for with it. And.. as a additional bonus.. you can learn other stuff while you are looking for the information you wanted in the first place.

I am not using this post to critizize anyone.. rather the opposit.. I am using it to encourage both new owners and new members to research and read about our cars here. There is a wealth of information available on this forum, and the more you know.. the more you can do. Cheers


Re: As our cars become older...

Posted: February 24th, 2006, 12:47 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Shades wrote:Since younger generation are able to afford these car, it seens that they hear word of a swap of more power... most think it's drop, plug and play. Not even close...
My ZE was that. Most DE/ZE swaps typically are. Now, I see you have a '96 RS, if you want to do a BP swap, for that I've heard, it requires some wiring work to get it done on DOHC Mx-3's because of a different wiring harness, but it's not impossible.
Shades wrote:... I also find that more and more of the same questions that were asked in the FAQ's are being asked in the forums by new members that haven't browsed the forum or even found the search button.

I feel the forums are getting cluttered with repeat questions that could easily be answered by the FAQ, and a little searching.
It's always been like that, and it's like taht for almost any forum. The thing is as well, we've been doing this for so long and everything has been covered...unique topics and modifications are rare.

Posted: February 25th, 2006, 11:02 pm
by Shades
Thanks for your input guys... I know it's hard to filter thru all the re-asked questions to find those new questions that need answering.

Posted: February 26th, 2006, 1:09 pm
by Yoda
I usually see older people still buy them rather that the younger guys when you do see one for sale. Gone are the days when you could pick up a newspaper or auto trader and finding 50-60 MX-3 for sale. Out here in the east unfortunately unless it is a private sale most of the older cars are scraped rather resold or sent to auction unless they are in really good condition. Talking to my friend at the various dealer in Quebec and Ontario it is cheaper for them to sell the car for scrap that it is for them to inspect and recondition the car for resale and pay the premium for the minimum used vehicle warranty. This is good for some of the people I know at the auto recyclers because there is such a demand for used parts that they are getting more for the car in parts than the car as a whole. This even affected the Americans as well. The local demand for used parts as there are a lot US cars being imported by at lease 3 Canadian companies that I know of that usually sells these cars to recyclers for parts rather than sell them as a complete car.

Posted: February 26th, 2006, 2:26 pm
by hgallegos915
also alot of people dont know the potential an mx3 can have over a modified honda.

Posted: February 26th, 2006, 2:39 pm
by Vanished
Good call. Now the KLZE is basically plug and play, compared to a Honda swap, or a rotary-v8 swap. Its like replacing the engine. As long as you dont' have any problems (which will occur) but as long as a newb sticks around the forum, searches and reads everythread, he'll be good to go...

Also, your right about the hondas. A simple KLZE in an mx-3 will blow the doors off of turbo, and swapped hondas. A shot of nos will finish it all off and kill a whole lot of other cars. Now much is that now? $1000 engine, 300 for clutch, 700 for nitrouse, 500 for some other random parts...about 2500 (if you want quick simple UNREliable hp...of course you'll get a new tranny and axels, and flywheel as well if you were going the whole way)

So much potential. And if you turbo?

Posted: February 27th, 2006, 1:50 pm
by jschrauwen
Yoda wrote:I usually see older people still buy them rather that the younger guys when you do see one for sale.
I would think in those particular cases, it would be as a second vehicle. Looking for an inexpensive mode of transportation that's small enough, thought to be cheap on gas, and has the availability of the rear seat (when or if required).

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 1:43 am
by Shades
I should start a collection of posts that just make you wanna kick your computer...

I've stopped reading and moved to, for reasons of not reading the same threads about how some kid wants help with something and doesn't read the FAQ's... For example, his first post!!!

I'll pop in here once in a while... so toodles!

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 9:18 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Shades wrote:I've stopped reading and moved to, for reasons of not reading the same threads about how some kid wants help with something and doesn't read the FAQ's... For example, his first post!!!
Ya, I dont blame you. That was the type of thread that wants to make me pull my hair out. It's really frustrating when some n00b comes by, knows nothing about Mx-3's, and asks to do the impossible. As stupid and frustrating as those posts are, I try not to insult their stupitity (as much as they deserve it) and clear things up. I don't want to turn him away, it's not like the Mx-3 community is getting any larger, but in a case like above, he probably doesn't like my answer and probably will never come back or sell the mx-3 cause he can't do what he wants.

shade says>>

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 2:21 pm
by rayrrod
they become cheaper due to depreciation, in turn more and more of the younger generation are being able to buy it.

This will help continue the car that everyone loves and enjoys.

I have to disagree. As they become older. they are worth less , that much i agree.
But they are worth too little that its not worth putting much monies in them
One will never get , not even a fraction, of what one puts into them.

Sad to say, they are a dying breed.
Most cars, no matter how "great", die after 15 years or so.
Parts get hard to find. I have had to special order some parts. Neither Auto Zone nor Mazda dealer had them in stock. I had to pay "extra" ie shipping.

and yes, i am an older dude, 57 going on 58 this summer.
and no, its not my second ride, my second ride is a 93 Geo Storm GSi.
But I dont drive more than 20 miles per week unless i go out of town on my 7 hour trip (350 miles) . Yes, i have learn to slow down a bit or am I just getting too old?

I was thinking of gettting a 95/96 V6 but now am re thinking it.
Maybe just go with a much newer car.

I dont drive much and i have passed the stage in life where i wud wash my car every saturday, do mods, spent half my paycheck on my cars, etc
But I am STILL CRAZY after all these years.

I am researching on which car to buy next. There are so many to choose from and with much newer technology.
for the meantime, I will keep my MX-3. No rush.

Re: shade says>>

Posted: March 15th, 2006, 1:52 am
by mx3dude
rayrrod wrote: But they are worth too little that its not worth putting much monies in them
One will never get , not even a fraction, of what one puts into them.

In my opinion, this is one aspect of the MX-3 that makes it very appealing. Perhaps not the fact that we will never get a fraction of what we put in, but, as one of the senior members on this forum said, that's the whole point of modifying a car. You know that you will never get what you put into it, but it's unique. Our car especially is getting more and more rare, at least in Colorado. But anyway, what's very appealing is that you can pick up this car for maybe 2500 USD and throw maybe $5000 into it and have a hell of a car. I think a lot of people buy this car for an inexpensive platform to work off of that has massive potential. If done right, after $5000 you should be blowing many many doors off, and be very comfortable inside. I know that's one of the reasons that I bought the car; 20 years old here. That's a $7500 dollar car that can take almost any new car, be half the cost and 4x the car, and be decently sexy to boot. The only car I might take over the mx-3 would be a 94' or 95' Toyota Celica GT. Gotta love that body!!

Posted: March 22nd, 2006, 4:33 pm
by fowljesse
Yeah. I bought mine because I was looking for something small, but with some carga space, that could run between Houston and Austin. After looking at Hondas for days, it was like a breath of fresh air. I had to leave an RX-7 in Hawai'i, and wanted something with some power and handling. I knew nothing of the MX-3, but am really glad I found it. I talked the sales guy @ the dealer down to $2,000, cause he didn't know what he had (A perfect condition black SE). Ya-F#%&ing-Hoo!

Posted: March 22nd, 2006, 11:59 pm
by Cy
Here's my 2 cents..

I joined last year after buying my 95 RS.. I had a ton of questions and did have to do ALOT of searching...

I ask why more Faq's have not been made and the information consdensed.. As per the motor swaps and performance parts; there is a TON of clutter..

As I continue to search and collect folders of bookmarks of data on parts that fit parts that don't.Pieces that can be modded from other vehicles and such.. I will be compiling all of my information along with Hundreds of photos of my progress...

I think the Mods need to create FAQ's and do a little of the leg work.. Of course People will have to also do leg work to help compile all the data needed..after that I believe that the forum's Diccussion Forums should be moved to an Archive Forum based on year of Original Post..

As a rough guess i'm gonna say that doing this with the cooperation of the members shouldn't take a month... but that's totally dependant on the amount of work people are willing to put into sharing their knowledge.