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door sealant cleanup

Posted: February 4th, 2006, 11:20 pm
by ariesdude
Anybody know a good way to cleanup the sealant on the door that holds the plastic cover behind the door panel? Mine melts and drips all over the place when the temperature rises and then freezes rock solid overnight. I have tried water, detergent, degreaser, alcohol, antifreeze, coke etc. I want to clean it all up and get some new sealant. Also what is it actually called - and is it something that's available at the local hardware store?
Thank you for the help.

Posted: February 4th, 2006, 11:31 pm
by lucky13
I just took mine off

Posted: February 5th, 2006, 1:52 am
by ariesdude
lucky13 wrote:I just took mine off
How? - I tried wiping it off with a cloth - but its smearing all over the place instead of coming off.

Posted: February 5th, 2006, 2:08 am
by jschrauwen
This sealant is designed to reain in a flexable state so that it can reseal again if the plastic vapour is remove and then replaced. I've never heard it become as liquidy as you mention. I don't know what the name of it is but windshield replacement places can provide you with some. It's a type of caulking and is shaped in the shape of twined rope that is separated when rolled up by a wax paper.

Posted: February 5th, 2006, 10:49 pm
by ovendenk
one word... polyurethane

i'm assuming you're talking about the black sealant holding the plastice sheet to the door frame. get it at home depot or similar. gl

Posted: February 6th, 2006, 5:45 pm
by ariesdude
Thanks for the help guys.

Here's what i am talking about -

I am planning on getting some speakers and i want to clean that sh*t up before i put the new speakers in.

Last time i took the plastic sheet off - the black stuff was literally dripping from it. It also dripped into the lock rods and lock mechanisms and caused me some grief a while earlier. I had to take the lock links off the door and freeze it to pry that crap out. There's got to be a better way ....

Posted: February 6th, 2006, 8:32 pm
by jschrauwen
I'd probably try engine degreaser on a rag after I first used a putty knife to get the majority off. I stongly recommend that once your speakers are done that you re-install that black sealant from a place I mentioned previously - that stuff will not run like that. And then replace that vapour barrier. It serves as a good moisture barrier and temp moderator during the winter and summer.

Posted: February 6th, 2006, 8:54 pm
by Tunes67
That doesnt look stock to me.. mine was no where near that intensive.. I'd use a putty knife & a heat gun to get the majority off.. then try whatever solvents you have around for the clean up.. I bet Acetone would work. Good luck man..
