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This Year's Annual Meet In Kelowna

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 2:23 am
by MX-West Car Club
Here's what I have penciled in so far.

Thinking of have the meet on Saturday June 24th in Kelowna again. So we would like to know if you guys like this date or should we move to another weekend.

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 3:22 am
by Taras
If I Am in Canada at that time, should be fine with me. I really want us also to drive down to Penticton, so we can do the Canal. Would be awesome to float down all together. It's the canal that connects the two lakes, lake Okanagan and the other one that I can't remember the name. Takes about two hours and you can rent the tubes. Park in one end and the bus picks you up at the other end and takes you to your ride for $4.00 or so. What do you think?

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 7:30 pm
by BuGS
I leave the 23rd for Hawaii then get back the 8th. So maybe week before :) ?

Posted: January 31st, 2006, 9:50 pm
by Shades
Hope I'll have my BP in by then... that's June, so it shouldn't take that long to get my BP built and in.

Posted: February 1st, 2006, 12:52 am
by Dali
well i will be there, i hope, depends if there is any racing that month for the speed shop. good news is i finally got my car in the shop and the work has begun, put a good 15 hours in this week allready, we will see how much work i get done by mid april.

Posted: February 1st, 2006, 1:11 am
by Josh
Dali wrote:well i will be there, i hope, depends if there is any racing that month for the speed shop. good news is i finally got my car in the shop and the work has begun, put a good 15 hours in this week allready, we will see how much work i get done by mid april.
what all are you doign to it?

and im up for going any weekend in June, so what ever works out for everyone else i sgood with me. this time Dan and Clayton should probably split up.

Posted: February 1st, 2006, 9:43 pm
by Taras
Josh wrote:this time Dan and Clayton should probably split up.
Noooo, but they are so cute.......

Posted: February 1st, 2006, 11:55 pm
by BuGS
Taras wrote:
Josh wrote:this time Dan and Clayton should probably split up.
Noooo, but they are so cute.......
Dan and I already agreed seperate rooms. And for the record, he left the door open...

Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 12:51 am
by ovendenk
it's wierd to say, but i may be there with my mx this year. 90% sure i'm off to bc for the summer, so i could be there for this hopefully.

hey taras, could i get a temporary membership to mx-west. :lol:

Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 9:05 pm
by Taras
ovendenk wrote: hey taras, could i get a temporary membership to mx-west. :lol:
That would be cool to finally meet you after all the emails and phone calls.
You could hook up with the guys from Calgary on the way to BC if you are driving at the same time.

Membership? I'll have to ask our prez, how he feels, but I think he might be out of Canada for vacation right now.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 2:11 am
by MX-West Car Club
Taras wrote: Membership? I'll have to ask our prez, how he feels, but I think he might be out of Canada for vacation right now.
Nope, still here. Won't be on vacation for another 19 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes and 42 seconds.

Temp membership... there's a possibility. Let me talk/e-mail over it with the other Admins of the club and we'll get back to you on that.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 10:28 am
by ovendenk
MX-West Car Club wrote:
Taras wrote: Membership? I'll have to ask our prez, how he feels, but I think he might be out of Canada for vacation right now.
Nope, still here. Won't be on vacation for another 19 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes and 42 seconds.

Temp membership... there's a possibility. Let me talk/e-mail over it with the other Admins of the club and we'll get back to you on that.
to be honest, i was kinda kidding. i didn't think you guys would take an eastern mx-3 into the club.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 9:12 pm
by Shades
LMAO!!! :lol:

This Year's Annual Meet In Kelowna

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 11:52 pm
by Bling Bling
Hope I can make it. I'm working at the Oil Sands in Fort Mcmurray. I've been collecting parts for my DE (Intake, Pistons/Rods, and OBX headers. Save some more and see what happens.

Posted: February 7th, 2006, 10:58 pm
by Hoodzy
if all goes as planned, i shall try and be there, i have a friend in kelowna i'd like to see plus i wanna test out my new suspension throughout the beautiful mountains!