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Worst speeding tickets

Posted: January 24th, 2006, 4:19 pm
by happyclown
94mph in a 65
driving an '86 golf

The cop said he was following way behind me for about 3 miles without his lights on to see if I would notice :? I had only had my licence for a few months and thought I was a dead man for sure. but he let me off easy.

Posted: January 24th, 2006, 4:47 pm
by Tunes67
Hmmmm.. guess this one sorta depends.. I got cuffed and stuffed briefly for doing 120+ in a 45mph zone.. But didnt actually get a ticket.. Cops tend to not listen until they have you completely under their thumb.. My parents had been in an accident and I was on my way to the hospital when the cop tagged me. He let me out of it and escorted me to the hospital after I finally got him to listen to me. Most expensive ticket I ever got was for $145.. was doing 70 in a 45.. and I had a tail light out.. But those were in my younger days in my Nova that sounded like it was doing 100 when it was doing 60. I got a LOT of tickets in that car.. dont even remember how many.. though the amount of tickets and the frequency with which I was pulled over in the Nova did drop off drastically once I cut off my rockstar hair in the early 90's. If you want to drive fast.. have short hair LOL Cheers


Posted: January 24th, 2006, 5:21 pm
by Vanished
No speeding tickets so far...just one for running a stop sign and another cause i had a 3 peopel in the back seat. God damnit. Thats a total of close to 600 dollars. I worked the stop sign one of (220) it wasn't all that bad.

Funny thing is, my dad saw a cop run the stop sign i did (the day i ran it they had a line up of peopel pulled over..they did this all weekend. And then the cops runs it?) so my dad is gonna phone him in haha...

Cops are dumb.

Posted: January 24th, 2006, 6:11 pm
by Legato626
i got busted for a 65 in a 30, but i raced a cavy doing 110+ on main street 10 blocks back seen the cheeres going. I just took off running and got away! The cavy got pulled over tho. :D So the winner ME didn't get pulled over! :lol:

Posted: January 24th, 2006, 6:21 pm
by LooseChangeRacing
Oh man...heres the few COP incidents I can remember...

The latest BIG cop the mx-3...long explanation on why it happened.
Fleeing and Evading, Offensive Weapons, Recklessly Endangering a Minor, 3 Traffic Violations, Travelling at an unsafe speed, no insurance, not valid registration.
Some funny notes about that story, the cop said I was a better driver then him (in the SOHC mind you), i actually got away, but the cop knew me.

Now for the basics...
many of 10 and 15 mph over the speed limits
3 driving under suspended licenses (in new hampshire, and well not taken care of, which is why i can't goto new hampshire)

128 in a 45 in the DOHC ($275 went to court)
115 in a 55 in the SOHC ($125 went to court)
atleast 3 times in the 95-105 range can't remember costs

Now for the greatest story of all time...with my Ninja 900...
Driving very very fast, suddenly as I fly down a hill I see a cop...knowing that I can't slow down, I just keep going but of course I take a look down at the speedo, when I looked it was 184 and dropping, so I slow down, which takes about the next 1 mile and take the next exit which was about 2 miles down the road....right off the exit was a MCdonalds so I decide to grab a burger, go inside order 2 doubles and go out and sit on the bike and start eating, lol suddenly the cop pulls up beside me with his lights on gets out and looks at me and the bike...then the conversation kinda went like this, but I can't remember the specifics.
"I know it was you know how fast you were going"
"What was me"
"I caught you on my radar as you came by me on 95"
"Wasn't me"
"No, i'm positive it was you, but since we don't have cameras in the car I'm not gonna fight it"
(Right there I was like, what I'm getting away with it"
"Well the radar gun I have only registers up to 170MPH and I wanna know how fast you were know your crazy right"
"I'm not gonna tell you anything that you can use against me"
"Well i'm not gonna charge you, I wanna know how fast you were going"
"Why should i incriminate myself"
"I'm not going to charge you with anything"
(I was like fine, at this point PROVE IT lol)
"Well when I looked down as I passed you I was going 184"
"Thats insane, do you have a deathwish"
"Same thing would happen at 185 as 140, so why not"
"Thats stupid...why would you ever do that....
"Don't drive crazy like that anymore I will pull you over the next time I see you going 5mph above the speed limit"
"Yes sir (munch munch on the double)"
I've ran from the cops many of times and only got caught once...many were very insane...this was by far the in place would be in the DOHC, came over a hill at the same time opposite as a cop and well he tried to turn around I floored it and was going on a highway 2 lanes, on the wrong side of the road at 120 with oncoming cars weaving....anyway DON"T DRIVE LIKE end up with a bunch of charges....[/quote]

Posted: January 24th, 2006, 9:28 pm
by 95 rs
the worst was probably 210 kmh in 100 and the cop didnt catch me (thank god) and i did get pulled over for goin 130 in 100 and well the cop started bein ignorant so i started being ignorant. that was a bad move. a simple $230 ticket turned out to be just over $400. thats about it so far......

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 1:46 am
by freakyalien
Hm, no tickets for I the only one?

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 7:41 am
by fry_81
no tickets for me either. although a friend of mine in his highly modified 350 s10 got a ticket doing 251 km/h in an 80 zone. he takes the bus to work now...

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 7:55 am
by hotsiit
No speeding tickets either for me. :D
Couple close ones, 90 on the turnpike in a construction zone...just a warning...and a supposed 50 in a 15...but the cop just talked to me about all the mods i have done and about the mx-3 in general.

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 10:44 am
by Nd4SpdSe
None for me either, but a few close calls. The last one I remember was during the sumer. I was driving from Mississauga down to St Catherines for Scrape-By-The-Lake and it was mostly clear. I was crusing down the highway at about 150-160km/h in the fast lane with an older guy in a Mercedes pacing me in the middle lane a few car lenghts back. I notice a white front bumper sticking out from behind some pillers of an overpass, perpendicular to the highway, so i hit the brakes and take it under 120km/h. The guy in the Mercedes must have done the same thing. I cruise by at legal speeds to see a guy holding a radar, and another cop hiding behind him parallel to the highway, and about a km ahead, 2 cars pulled over. The guy in the Mercedes pulls up beside me, smiles and give me the thumbs up. We then pick up our base back up, and we wave to each other as I take the 406 ramp and he continues on down the QEW.

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 11:37 am
by JWMX3
i was busted for an 80 in a 50, but the nice female cop knocked it down to 65 so it didnt go on record :D only cost me 50 $

there was another time on the service road in burlington and about midnight, the limit is only 60 and i was doing ~110, there was a cop car parked on one of the side streets and he appeared to be there for speeders but never came after me ..... who knows what happened, musta been eating a twinkie :P

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 1:13 pm
by ovendenk
i got screwed in quebec about 4 years ago, the cop pulled me over when i wasn't doing the speed he said i was. it was a jetta coming up behind me doing 15-20kph faster than me. anyways 87 in a 50, so 3 demerit points and $325. i went to court to fight it and sure enough cop wasn't there and neither was my translator i was promised. needless to say, i lost the case cause i couldn't understand what was going on and the ticket became over $400 with 3 pts. since then i have had not had anything. :D

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 1:17 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
ovendenk wrote:i went to court to fight it and sure enough cop wasn't there
Whoa whoa, if the cop wasn't there, aren't you suppose to win?

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 1:22 pm
by ovendenk
Nd4SpdSe wrote:
ovendenk wrote:i went to court to fight it and sure enough cop wasn't there
Whoa whoa, if the cop wasn't there, aren't you suppose to win?
not anymore apparently. i found out that they changed that rule at least in quebec.

no personal offense to any quebec mx-ers, but i hate driving there with a licence plate on the front of my car because i feel like a wanted criminal whenever i drive there.

Posted: January 25th, 2006, 1:44 pm
by Drewation
none for me :D