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Heating System

Posted: September 10th, 2001, 6:47 am
by VizualXTC
The heater in my 1994 GS doesn't get hot at all. Is there anyone else that has had this problem too? What can I do to fix it, and is it going to cost alot of $$$$? Thanks<BR>~Ryan~

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 10th, 2001, 5:02 pm
by white fish
Change your termostat<P>------------------<BR>Clear White 2.5L GSR

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 10th, 2001, 5:56 pm
by Bbqman218
I know it has nothing to do with the thermostat. THe inside heater isnt heating. You may take a look at your heaterhoses up next to the fire wall. They are about 1-1.5 in Diameter. It could be a heater core.

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 14th, 2001, 6:35 am
by VizualXTC
I tried looking for those hoses and they don't seem to be out of place or anything. How would I test to see if the heater core is working?<BR>

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 14th, 2001, 10:50 pm
by mxcess
The heater core is just a mini radiater under your dash. The only thing that goes wrong with it is it gets old and starts leaking. In many cases instead of fixing the problem people just by-pass the core by connecting the two hoses together before they go thru the firewall. You might check to see if the flow valve is working. It should be located on one of the heater hoses under the hood, but not sure. It should be operated by a vaccum line, but I could be wrong. Check on-line manual. Another problem could be the airflow valve inside the car that directs air thru the core or the A/C core. If the cable or vaccum line is broken or has come off then it will not direct airflow thru the heater core. The cable or vaccum line is connected to the "hot/cold" slide switch on the center console then just trace it down from there. Happy hunting and hope this helps.<BR>BTW- you should be able to hear the "door" to the airflow valve by just moving the switch to hot and cold and back again. It should make a thumping noise. Later, Robert

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 19th, 2001, 1:20 am
by abyss
Don't know if this will help you at all. Last winter I had a similar problem I knew the heater was working but I was not getting anything inside the car. If you are getting full air as in when you change the setting from 1 to 4 you get a lot more air then you are OK. In my case that wasn't doing much so I had it looded at, as it turns out behind the dash the tubing had colapsed on itself causing a loss of presure and as a result no heat. <P>Jason

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 19th, 2001, 2:26 am
by VizualXTC
as mxcess said there should be a thumping noise when I switched from Hot to Cold. There is no thumping so I will take a look at that. Thank you for all your help guys. It is appreciated.<BR>~Ryan~

Re: Heating System

Posted: September 19th, 2001, 3:53 pm
by FoxyDragon
If it is your heater core, you will get what looks like dust trough your vents and will smell an anifreeze scent. Believe me, I know. I have had to replace a heater core in two previous cars. (not my MX-3)<BR>And if you choose to bypass the heater core, you will not get any heat or air conditioning. The cost of a core is about $25 USD and takes about a whole weekend to change out, due to the fact you have to take the dash off. In most garages its about $300 USD for them to do it.<P>GOOD LUCK!!!<P>------------------<BR>Owner of 93 Raspberry MX-3 GS Special Edition