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Projector Headlight discussion (Thread renamed by Admin)

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 9:53 pm
by David Witherow
holy crap i just found this site that looks as though they have real projectors for the MX-3 ... 7205ff7cd4

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 9:59 pm
by nos92mx3
If you click on the checkout and look at the paragraph at the bottom it says this (translated from Russian to english)

Products allocated *** are available in our warehouse in quantity(amount) insufficient for your order.
Nevertheless you can buy them and check up quantity(amount) available for stage-by-stage delivery during performance of your order.

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 10:05 pm
by JWMX3
holy CRAP

those look really nice too

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 10:40 pm
by projectmx
is there any chance anyone in here could contact them? i have someone at my bible study that speaks russian (she grew up in the ukrain) so i might be able to ask her.. cause $350 american for real projectors seems pretty freaking sweet. We could do a bulk buy and have them shipped over here i have a few ideas i might go through.. but if someone has other please share

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 10:41 pm
by David Witherow
i know i couldnt belive it either....i wonder if they are in fact real or not.

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 11:00 pm
by slimmyslim1420
I would definately buy a set. I would like to see some better pics though. Some that showed the background and everything.

Posted: December 12th, 2005, 11:28 pm
by ovendenk
tatsu won't be happy with this. :)

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 12:01 am
by mitmaks
sorry got disappoint you guys but its not for projectors its front bumper for mx3. I repeat its not projectors but FRONT BUMPER

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 12:21 am
by Gro Harlem
hehehe....there are projectors...bwahahaha..well not yet, but i have a couple decent sources that tell me some company is actually making some for the mx3....idk if its for real tho

IMO its stupid if they don't there are an assload of ppl in germany who'd buy them, + the ppl here. Even tho there arne't that many mx3's in quantity, over 50% of the ones out there are being modified it seems so projector headlights for a reasonable price (under 250 shipped) would sell insanely well.

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 12:24 am
by Domnknpimp
that listing is for the bumper the next listing is for the lights... 603.45

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 12:49 am
by mitmaks ... 7205ff7cd4

now thats link to projectors, 500 euro, how much is that in USD

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 1:28 am
About 600.00 US dollars right now. The exchange is at a great rate for us for the moment. After the bulk buy and shipping you should be looking at about 700 per set (buyer cost) plus whatever the buyer marks them up.
I'd suggest trying to get a company to import them. Maybe Pakfiefer Canada or Cork Sport. Otherwise, you run the risk of loosing alot of money for alot of people.
Then note that you'll need a new wiring harness for the lights to get optimal lighting and you are probably looking at 800-900 per set. For that price I'd wait for Tatsu's and know that I'm getting top quality from someone you know won't screw you.
(this is not a plug for Tatsu since I already have a set of Hella projector conversions, but just my educated .02)

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 2:51 am
by Gro Harlem
wtf thats rape. unless that company is custom-manufacturing them or something....

I lurk around on the german mx3 forums and i read on there that SOME asian country was developing them. IOW they'd be priced similarly to how the altezzas are priced now. If i can remember right, the altezzas started at costing around 250 per set, now they are 80 shipped!

hopefully its true! If anything, the ones from that site ARE the ones that dood on germany was talking about.

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 8:09 pm
by hgallegos915
i would rather stick to civic projectors...ill show u guys when im done :) Im painting the interior of the projectors :)

Posted: December 13th, 2005, 8:15 pm
by projectmx
If the company would sell them directly too us we wouldnt have to worry about mark up... and we dont necessarily need special wiring.. they might come with it.. it would make sense that they would me made to bolt up at that price... also shipping might not be that much if we bulk ship them plus we might get a discount on the cost of the lights if we group buy... so there is a chance these could still be 700 or less... i wish i was going to see my russian friend sooner she could really look over the site and tell us what all it really says and offers