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whats this?

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 9:26 pm
by monkey
Okay, Im new here so here be gentle...Anyway i ve been researching on here for about a month taking it all in..I recently bought a mx3 off of a friend for $200 in great shape, catch is, the motor is shot...supposedly a klze,but I now have my doubts, It was purchased at tiger japenese ( I have read the posts on them lol) and my friend didn't do any research..So here's the question...The heads have the kl31 XXX stamp but the cams say kl 01 on them..The intake definatly isn't a klze looks like a stock 1.8 to me...TB has K8 on what is it?..long story short I dont want to buy from them so could you please send me in the right direction!!!I have the money and am ready to buy but dont want to get dooped..P.S I have tryed the search option on this site but I can't get it to work for some reason..and i live an hour east of T.O

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 9:52 pm
by hgallegos915
wekk regardless...if its for 200 dllrs and it runs why not? maybe its an american newest de need to take the im off to check the ports... those a re de cams maybe its a f8ze or mayve they changed the it and if it runs take it why not.

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 9:53 pm
by vozaday2000
where do you live. that would help us direct you to where to buy a engine from a relatively close area.

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 9:57 pm
by relisys_3200
It seems that you do have the KL-01 cammed ze (as opposed to the KL-31 cammed). They usually come with the curved neck manifold so I'm not sure why you would have the k8 intake manifold on it. Since it seems your mechanically inclined, Take a look at the piston tops to see if they are flat topped or dished. That will tell all.
There is a member on here that is around T.O. that posted he was able to get engines. I'll try and find his screen name for you.

*EDIT* ZE pistons will be flat topped ---->

*EDIT #2* check out this thread for a few people to contact about an engine ---->

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 12:54 am
by monkey
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. I work weekends but first thing monday I'll get to checking the ports...In response to some of the other replies on here, I live in Trenton and i don't mind driving to the Totonto area or even to Ottawafor a true klze.Oh yeah I already bought the car its a black 1993 mx3 heated leather seats and fully had a "klze" swap already done but the engine won't turn, not even when i push it and drop the clutch..

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 1:08 am
by jschrauwen
monkey wrote:Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. I work weekends but first thing monday I'll get to checking the ports...In response to some of the other replies on here, I live in Trenton and i don't mind driving to the Totonto area or even to Ottawafor a true klze.Oh yeah I already bought the car its a black 1993 mx3 heated leather seats and fully had a "klze" swap already done but the engine won't turn, not even when i push it and drop the clutch..
Take a 5 minute drive up Stockdale Rd to my place tomorrow (Sunday) and we can go over your options and talk about various sources in T.O. etc. Pm me for address and phone number.

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 10:44 am
by vozaday2000
and congrats on the mx-3 and welcome to the mx-3 world