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of course more trouble

Posted: October 7th, 2005, 1:18 pm
i finished my ze instal two days ago and i love to drive her and of course today i had the s**t scared outa me i was driving along a road full of s curves so of course im using the availble power of the ze through those curves and all of a sudden my battery light comes on , so i let off a lil then a series a loud crashing sounds and i see a part fly away in my rear view mirror (thats when the s#!t was scared outa me) so i cut off the engine and rolled to the side of the road ran over to the part to find out it was my ac belt tensioner pully somehow it came lose and flew off ,i still have no idea where my belt is though??

Posted: October 8th, 2005, 1:07 am
You probably didn't tighten the nut on the outside of the pulley. Could happen to anyone, but make sure to go back and check all your bolts now. Good thing it wasn't worse.
BTW, Mazda redesigned that pulley with a rib on the outside to keep the belt fomr flying off. I kept having the belt come off and had to get the new one. Cost was like 75 just for the pulley (not the bracket that it sits on). You can get a new bracket too, but it costs more and is exactly the same as the old one.

Good luck getting her fixed.

Posted: October 8th, 2005, 10:52 pm
yea i was just glad nobody was behind me because they would have had a pully lodged in their windsheild or worse