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Import Underground vid!!

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 1:44 pm
by neverenuff
This is a trailer I had to make for school. Please tell me what you guys think. Sorry but I did'nt have any footage of mx3's had to use footage I made in the past. I guess I could have taken some footage from the ubb here but I did'nt want to steal anybodys work. Anyhow enjoy!! ... 884-9682-3

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 2:49 pm
by Selecta
Checked it out...good compilation but way to quick...I mean between cars and clips...can't focus long enough before it changes..and the music used does not really keep pace with the video's speed.

Just my $3 :P

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 2:58 pm
by mitmaks
nice work, nice compilation dude

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 3:50 pm
by neverenuff
Selecta wrote:Checked it out...good compilation but way to quick...I mean between cars and clips...can't focus long enough before it changes..and the music used does not really keep pace with the video's speed.

Just my $3 :P
Hey thnx just want to hear the critics speck their minds so thats why I posted it. Now as far as music not staying with the pace I think it's the site thats hosting it or the compresion they used or something i did notice that when I checked it on the site. But needless to say the original file is in pace with the vid. I think becaus the original file is 666.6 megs and had to be compressed down to 13 megs it might have done it.

But as I stated befor please keep the comments coming because I gotta hand this project in to class on friday so I still have a lil time to make ajustment.

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 3:56 pm
by Selecta
I stand corrected...watched it again and ya the vid and music mesh well. What project is this for exactly?

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 4:45 pm
by havoc13
did u guys notice the one car with the car with the screen on the rim

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 5:21 pm
by exdream_mx3
nice vid man!!! Love it. You had to be at some of the shows i was at because i've seen some of them before. Like the celica that was getting airbrushed. Pretty cool though man.

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 5:45 pm
by neverenuff
exdream_mx3 wrote:nice vid man!!! Love it. You had to be at some of the shows i was at because i've seen some of them before. Like the celica that was getting airbrushed. Pretty cool though man.
Ya I'v gone to quite a bit of shows. I filmed the celica getting airbrushed in conecticut when I was visiting my cusin he knows the guy that was airbrushing. he does sick work.

Keep the coments coming guys the more the merrier. Good or bad I can take critisism.

Ohh and the car with the TV in the rims is from the same shop. And if you look close there is also a tv in the gas cap.

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 6:36 pm
by RaverChankoMX3
Hey, what's up man?

Here is what I suggest.

The font is too small, thin, and bland. Everything in your video is wild, eye-catching, and just pops: (e.g.) Girls, cars, music even) Why does your font seem like my old grandma?

Even though that is the only bike the video (I think) You played off the "revving" withe intro music nicely. Favorite part I believe.

Also, another note. The font itself is also hard to read and flips in and out and it's spasticism is alittle annoying. For instance. I still don't know who's it "In Association with..."? Something about a Film bounced at me but I don't know what it said. Plus, you have to realize that while the text is up on the screen. YOu have tits, 50k mods of cars. You expect me to try to read and look at the same time? Pick one and stick with it.

Another quick note. Some shots are just wayyyy too dark and look crappy. Toss those out, you can't really tell anything anyways. Rule of thumb. If you/I have to squint, toss it. Hurts the flow.

Squence of order?! HELLO.

Okay, first we have

Presents. . .30sec
In Production. . .52sec
Starring. . .1:35min

That's a long a-- intro for a 4min video. Why not frame it like a standard paper. Do your intro and end with your thesis. I have about half the video over before I have a clue of what your film is about. I would bump your "what the video is about" before the first minute hits. For example, you mentioned this is your footage from events you've covered (If that's not totally true, bare with me here) Why not say something to the affect that "My Life As I See it: Underground (show) Car Scene" So I know what to expect the next 3 minutes or so. Plus, "hot girls and cars" is kinda obvious and tacky. The audience can figure that out.

I don't get the need or why the "special app/ Lil Jizz-on , DMX. . .?
I'd also put the Music done by at the very beginning or very end. One minute before it ends kinda leaves the view as if the video is over. It's like see the credits before Vader tells Luke he's his Baby's Daddy.

"I become so numb. . .Become more like me and less like you." How does that fit into your theme (which is?) What about the video makes you want to "become more like me and less like you".

The ending is kinda abrupt and open-ended. It's kind of like you just stopped your footage when the song was over, hehe, right?

What I liked was the opening and you do have good shots. I just think you need to organize the "bigger picture" so it flows and you have some sense of path followed by closure. I'd change song too. Pick something that relates more obviously; maybe, whether it's to your theme or visually.

Anyway, that's my gist. Hope I helped. Keep up the good work, I think you can kick a-- and get an A+ easy man.


Posted: October 6th, 2005, 10:04 pm
by neverenuff
Hey Chanko thnx for the advise you have made some great points. Just a few things I should mention. The dark senes arent realy dark once again i think it has to do with the size of it being compressed. As far as text goes I do agree I realy did'nt like it but thats the style my professor wanted it. he mainly wanted that font because we are working with after effects on mac in school and most students have PC at home so he wanted a font that was compatible between both platforms. As far as everything else thnx again for the advice.

Posted: October 8th, 2005, 1:26 am
I loved the video and wish that maybe someone on here could host it so that we could save it or view it in full screen. I have a hard time seeing things that small. Anyone volunteer?

As for a ending suggestion: you could have a repeating clip of you going around a car or a burnout or something that doesn't seem to end. Gives an impression of everlasting, like your life in the scene hasn't ended. I also agree about the credits and stuff, make them shorter nad more tword the beginning or end so that they aren't strung throughout hte whole video.

I would like to state that I'm in no real possition to criticize any of your work. It is awesome and WAY past any ability I have with a camera or camcorder. Nice job.

Posted: January 10th, 2006, 8:39 pm
by neverenuff
bump!!! i figured since i added a new one i would bring this one back to life.

Posted: January 11th, 2006, 5:43 am
by GregoryChristian
I enjoyed it , but no MX-3 ?

Posted: January 17th, 2006, 9:55 pm
by neverenuff
This vid has already been added to my portfolio but I would still like to see some more feedback on this one. thanks for all the comment guys.

Posted: January 17th, 2006, 11:29 pm
by Drewation
so is it just a trailer and theres a viud comming out cause i cant wait to see it. really good job ya the music didnt flow as good as it could of but it was still very well edited between car shots and such good job