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Worrying steering/engine problem!

Posted: September 30th, 2005, 7:35 am
by AndyZim
Hey guys, first time poster here, just got my 95 v6 (uk) MX-3 about a month ago, but the car has developed a worrying problem.

Basically, when I pull away from T-Junctions (i.e. i pull away from low revs and with the steering wheel turned) there is a fast knocking noise which gets quicker as the revs rise, then disappears. it lasts only a second or two as I initially pull away. I cant feel any vibrations through the wheel, but the fact that it doesnt happen when i pull away in a straight line is leading me to think it is a PAS problem??

Has anyone had any experience of a similar problem or have any suggestions of things to check? I am a relatively experienced DIY'er when it comes to cars (i owned a classic mini previously which seemed to break down every weekend - but I have now switched to a proper car!)


Posted: October 1st, 2005, 9:05 pm
by Gro Harlem
definitely your axles.

if you are turning at a light across an intersection does it do the same thing??? Especially when turning hard (shifting the weight of the car to one side) and gunning the throttle?

If so..then yeah, ur axles are worn...replace them.

Posted: October 2nd, 2005, 7:41 am
by AndyZim
I dont know if it does it at lights in the circumstance you mention, the only time i have noticed it is when pulling out of junctions. Then again, we dont really have intersections like that here so i'll have to replicate it somewhere and see

thanks for the response

Posted: October 15th, 2005, 7:23 pm
by snellgrove
try a roundabout nice and fast.... good right hander.

come off a sharp left-hander exit or something and gun it

good way of testing it I suppose and fun too ;)

Posted: October 16th, 2005, 3:30 am
Mx-3s are notorious for tearing up axles. I've had more than I can count on my hands and toes now. Prety easy to repalce if you can get the axle nut off. Easy fix for a first time post, give us something harder... no wait then your car would be more messed up NM (never mind) . hehe jk (just kidding).