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Supreme Gas To Regular

Posted: September 28th, 2005, 10:04 pm
by cb mx3
When I bought my car the person who sold it to me was using supreme gas and I was going to look into going to regular gas but figured it wasn't that much of a difference but then got into an accident but now that my car is going back on the road (this saturday :D ) and the rising gas prices I want to switch to regular gas. Do I just pump regular gas into it or do I have to do something more complicated and more costly or should I stick with supreme (give good reasons why please) Thanks in advance.

Posted: September 28th, 2005, 10:38 pm
by Typhoonk
1 good reason -----> engine tick

Posted: September 28th, 2005, 11:13 pm
by MX3driver
here's something for you.. i filled mine with regular once, to see what the milage/running was like..and I got 502km, which cost me exactly $40.00 from full to empty on my 95 16 valve 4cyl. filled with supreme cost me $46.00 and I got 631km's before I got nervous and the engine ran much smoother..
p.s. I've never heard of a car getting better milage than that.. but i had to drive like an absolute pussy to get the right milages.. oh.. and there was no highway driving.. all city

Posted: September 28th, 2005, 11:13 pm
by Shades
I've gone from 94 octane to 87... only thing I find is that it idles a little more rough.

Fact: my owners manual says that it should use 91+ octane.

87 octane ignites quicker than 94 octane.

I use Mohawk which got rid of 87 and their low gas is 90 octane plus they have Ethanol which is a cleaner burning gas and for us in BC and the stupid AirCare, it works great.

If your engine has a tick, use this stuff called EOS (engine oil supplement) in your oil... you can get it from any GM dealer. It gets rid of the tarnish that builds up on your hydrolic lifters which causes the tick. Read the instructions on how much to use.

Posted: September 28th, 2005, 11:14 pm
by neutral
Do I just pump regular gas into it or do I have to do something more complicated and more costly or should I stick with supreme (give good reasons why please) Thanks in advance.
It depends. Have you read these? ... 312#272312 ... 181#258181

Posted: September 29th, 2005, 1:52 pm
by freyguy_412
Just something I've always considered when thinkin about moving down a grade in gas....

When I have a gas light, or otherwise feel the need to refuel, my car has never taken more than 10 gallons. Gas prices here are currently approx 2.95, 3.05, 3.15 for the reg, mid and high grade respectively. If you do the math, 10 gal X 2.95 for reg, you get a total of 29.50 for a tank of fuel. But doing it for the supreme, 10 gal X 3.15 for supreme, you get 31.50. Gas prices almost always have that ten cent gap between them, so in my case it only saves me two dollars to get a take of crappy gas that my car doesn't especially like. Even if gas gets to $5 a gallon (knock on wood and pray to god) it will costs me a couple bucks to keep my baby well fed. Just my .02.

Posted: September 29th, 2005, 3:51 pm
by Mazda_Power
I'm running 87 octane and it NEVER ticks.