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My cars sure that cant be good

Posted: September 15th, 2005, 4:25 pm
by jaxsmax6
Im pretty chocked right now... I bought my car about two weeks ago and im already starting to notice some problems. Firstly, its a 93 MX-3 at around 152kms on an automatic transmission... i've heard the rumors that the tranny will eventually breakdown..and im starting to worry about mine now.

I've been noticing when i go up any hill and TRY to excellerate over 70-80 my car starts to jump!! Not like vilolently...but enough for me to start worrying... so i try to lay off the gas and it eventually stops..WHAT IS THIS? and why is it happeneing to me??? any help/suggestions/ANYTHING is apperciated... im cluless when it comes to this mechanical stuff.

And to make things worst I dont think my stupid warranty will cover it.. whatta joke.. :x

Posted: September 15th, 2005, 7:13 pm
by Aston Wards
Might be as simple as a leak in your plastic intake tube, does it idle okay?

Posted: September 15th, 2005, 7:59 pm
by jaxsmax6
yes and no... it shakes kinda hard sometimes... some times it seems like it might stall alltogether... but for the most part its okay. So you dont think its my tranny??

Posted: September 16th, 2005, 12:36 am
by Aston Wards
Well, normally the hold light will flash to register an auto problem...., is this a V6? if so, check the ribs on the intake tube, these split ALL the time. It sounds like a fuel/air/spark problem to me :shrug:
Why would your warranty not cover this?

Posted: September 16th, 2005, 3:29 pm
by jaxsmax6
intake you say? intresting... i called the warranty company and they say they dont cover "wear and tear"..then whats the point? useles...

I'll have one of my friends take a look... hopefully thats all it is.

Posted: September 17th, 2005, 1:14 am
Well asside from the jumping you should change your fluid/filter anyway. This is manditory maintenance on a ford built automatic transmission, trust me. Im not 100% sure but from what you describe if its speed specific then it could even be wheel allignment/balancing? My mx-3 does this right now once i start to push highway speeds because the balancing weight flew off the rim. Even if the problem is simple, be easy on the transmission and change the fluid at least every year but the more the better. If you plan on driving the car hard, add a transmission cooler. Cheap peice of work that will save you hunderends if not thousads in the long haul...

Posted: October 19th, 2005, 6:44 pm
by jaxsmax6
turns out it was the sparks plugs.. i got my timing belt replaced..and he put in new spark plugs. Apparently my old ones were rotting. So if anyone has a similar problem..check your spark pluggs