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Converting to E85 - CHEAP FUEL

Posted: September 13th, 2005, 7:00 pm
by Mazda_Power
Here in Minnesota they are offering E85 at some gas stations. E85 is a mixture of Ethanol and Gasoline (85/15). It's 105 octane. When gas was $3.40 here E85 was $2.45. So nearly a dollar cheaper for 105 octane. That's always good. I am planing on experimenting with my car and seeing what it'll take. I know it needs bigger injectors and I'm waiting to get appoved to post in the FS forum. I was hoping for some B6T or BPT injectors depending on what my research tells me. I am also considering getting a PROM burner to make my own fuel/timing curves to take advantage of the high octane rating. I also intend on improving the gas mileage, so only fuel mileage mods will be done this winter (past the timing and fuel adjustments through the EPROM). I'd like to stretch it to 40 mpg, but we'll see!

Anyone else do this or think about it?

Posted: September 13th, 2005, 9:05 pm
by torpedan
I am not too familer with various fuels but typically alternative fuels are not near as potent as gasoline. As a result you need to flow a higher capcity of fuel and should expect a decress in milage. There are things you can do though to increase your gas milage, but you really need to break down the math and do the research to figure out which one will give you a lower cost per mile driven, and how long it owuld take for it to pay for the conversion.

The turbo side of it though looks like it could be fun with the higher octane....

Posted: September 14th, 2005, 7:06 am
by FiReSTaRT
Too bad our babies don't come in a diesel flavor. We could run'em on BD. Talk about fuel economy and cheap fuel. One good thing about running on E85 is that you're gonna be passing the e-tests with flying colors. The most probable reason it's cheaper is b/c they're not taxing it as much as regular gas. I guess the government in your state is smart enough to recognize that it has lower harmful emissions and a good chunk of it comes from a renewable source.

Posted: September 26th, 2005, 1:08 am
by Mazda_Power
no intest in this huh?

Posted: September 26th, 2005, 1:12 pm
by freyguy_412
I think it's rad. Higher octane fuel that burns cleaner? Kick a-- lol. But after converting our cars to it would they still run as well? I mean is it as volitile and powerful as gasoline?

Posted: September 26th, 2005, 4:36 pm
by mrspanky79
I dont know anyting about this E85 but if it is just plain gas with 15% ethanol why would you have to change anything to use it? Up here in canada we have been using 5-10% ethanol in gas for a long time.l

Posted: September 26th, 2005, 5:21 pm
by mrspanky79
woops miss read its 85% enthanol big differents. Just did a quick search on e85 the only differents in parts its the o2 sencers the ethanol give off an higher reading. Everything else is the same just made out of stainless steel, ethanol is corrosive.

Posted: September 26th, 2005, 9:14 pm
by Mazda_Power
freyguy_412 wrote: I mean is it as volitile and powerful as gasoline?
No, it's not as stong as gas, that's why you'd need a larger set of injectors.

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 2:05 pm
by Macen
You will have to increase the fuel pressure with about 30%. Many here in Sweden run their Mazdas on 50% E85 or more. The only thing they replaced was the fuel pressure regulator. Some say that japanese fuel pumps will have problems, but the Mazda guys didn't have any problems.

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 2:17 pm
by nope-mx3
Only problem is that you use about 30% more fuel on the E85 mixture, as it has a lot more oxygen already in the mix, and therefore needs more fuel.

but (and this is a nice one), if you got a EMS like Haltech, Megasquirt, etc, and get it converted, higher flow rate injectors, better fuelpump, fpr and then get it mapped for use with E85 you should actually see some increase in power, especially on Turbocharged/supercharged vehicles.

Oh, and due to the 30% increase in fuel-use, the cost is about the same as regular gas, but it`s a lot cleaner burning, so emissions should perhaps be (a lot?) easier to pass.


Posted: May 21st, 2006, 2:41 pm
by Macen
It will still be cheaper running E85. 1 litre costs ~7.50 sek ($1). 95 octane fuel (with 5% ethanol) costs 12.50 sek. 30% more E85 = 9.75sek/L.

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 2:42 pm
by WingleBeast
i thought any ethanol based gas was bad for our engines. i remember reading it somewhere

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 3:28 pm
by JWMotorsports
Stochiometric is around the folowing:

Gasoline = 14.7:1 AFR
Ethonol (Grain Alcohol) = 12.0:1 AFR
Methonol (Wood Alcohol) = 06.7:1 AFR

Ethonol should be fine for the fuel system components as long as you recalibrate your fuel curve for it.

Methonol is very harsh on system components and requires purpose built pumps, regulators, & filters.

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 10:35 pm
by reaper of souls
alittle off tpoic but back to a previous post mazda did make a four cylinder deissle engine in one of the b2200 model it the same engine in one of the smaller mitsubishi in the uk i already looked in to the bd side of the engine options problem is you would save more cash by convertion the mx to rear wheel and droping in the rotary (with a twin turbo set up)

Posted: May 27th, 2006, 10:06 pm
by ryanlindenberg
I thought about converting to E85 since I have a haltech. I heard that E85 could corrode the gas thank though...i don't know if it would or not, you might want to look into it though.