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dumb question

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 3:54 pm
by cdngrl420
ok so my alternator went today and im running on my battery the new alternator is 100 kms away (60 miles) will i get there on just my battery, if not can i still boost the battery if the alt is dead incase i get stranded on the highway?

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 4:07 pm
by neutral
no... and probably no.

100km is an awful long way to go with no alternator to recharge the batt... even running without lights or any accessories whatsoever. Then once you've completely discharged the battery, might require more than a regular-type boost to get the battery charged back up to start the engine. Answers to both of your questions also depend on whether the alt. is providing a substandard charge vs. no charge at all, + age and condition of your battery now.

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 4:09 pm
by cdngrl420
well from what the mechanic told me the alt is absolutley dead i hav ea second battery i could pop in since i dunno much abou tthe battery in rite now but even with both batteries i dunno if id make it there and back lol

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 8:39 pm
by neutral
cdngrl420 wrote:well from what the mechanic told me the alt is absolutley dead i hav ea second battery i could pop in since i dunno much abou tthe battery in rite now but even with both batteries i dunno if id make it there and back lol
Agreed. Buuuutttt... I suspect that you're still tempted... :wink: We'll know what happened if ya don't post back for awhile......... :shock:

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 10:40 pm
by 95 rs
how much are you paying for your altenator? i have 1 from a 95 rs thats been used for 3 or 4 months and well its virtually brand new... im asking $75 cdn obo and the shipping shouldnt be too much..... let me know

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 10:26 am
by Andrew_Pakula
She ended up picking up my alternator for sale with her dad in his car last night.

Just to add on to this in case any one in the future ever thinks of driving a long distance on battery only, Don't Do It!!!!!

If you are running on battery only, even if you don't have the stereo or anything else going on your car will still die and get stuck fairly quickly. Trust me I know from personal experience.

You can drive maybe 50 KM on the hiway on the hiway with battery only before you start running into problems then I guarantee you that you will get stuck.

In my case with my GS I wasn't aware at the time my alternator had died totally. It was acting bad for a while and making bad noises but then one day it wasn't making any noises any more, stupid me I didn't pay attention to that and jumped on the hiway anyways to work which was about 50k away. Car was acting fine for most of the ride until near the end when my stereo cut off and the gauges went dead, then the engine started misfiring and not sounding healthy, i managed to get off the hiway ok but my car died 3 blocks from my work. The battery was drained and killed because the alternator was not working at all the entire drive.