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2005 Kelowna Trip Images & Videos Thread

Posted: June 26th, 2005, 10:34 pm
by Darcy
Ok, I know almost everyone had cameras, so unless you're giving your pics to James or Kevin to put on the MX-West site, post links to them here!

I'll send James my batch probably, and maybe he'll even be able to compile a movie or something like last year.

Anyways, just a few highlights so far for me...


Posted: June 26th, 2005, 11:28 pm
by solo_ryder
Sweet, how was your guy's drive back? I hope everyone made it ok!

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 1:04 am
by BuGS
I like your Seats Darcy :)

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 1:41 am
by mitmaks
nice ferrari

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 1:45 am
by Darcy
There were tonnes more. The guy I talked to said there were 28 exotics on this tour. Saw a few lambos and an SL55 AMG. I'll try to get the rest of my pics up later this week if I have the time.

Just made me think... if I had lambo doors on my car... I would feel like such a tard opening my door at the gas station in front of a dozen REAL Lambos. heh

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 1:56 am
by mitmaks
that sure would be lame lol

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 2:16 am
by Vanished
unless your car was faster/better that a lambo. Wich does't happend often.

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 3:29 am
by RoundTop
once I've pulled the vids of my camera and reencoded them I'll toss a few up.

I've got shots from most of the weekend, including the cruise around kelowna.

2005 Kelowna Trip Images & Videos Thread

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 8:18 am
by Bling Bling
The trip back was a lot better....and drier :!: I got back into Airdrie around 3:30 our time. Had a great time out there. Nice to finally meet everyone. Nice rides everyone!!!

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 9:19 pm
by Taras




Posted: June 27th, 2005, 9:32 pm
by Taras

2005 Kelowna Trip Images & Videos Thread

Posted: June 28th, 2005, 8:22 am
by Bling Bling
Nice pics and vids Taras! So is it a boy or a girl? How was the drive back? It tried to rain when I entered the Louise area but dry for the most part.

Re: 2005 Kelowna Trip Images & Videos Thread

Posted: June 28th, 2005, 1:53 pm
by MX-West Car Club
Bling Bling wrote:Nice pics and vids Taras! So is it a boy or a girl? How was the drive back? It tried to rain when I entered the Louise area but dry for the most part.
It was nice and sunny leaving Kelowna. As we got to the middle point between Kelowna and Merrit, we hit a down pour. I saw 2 cars in the ditch heading up. One of the cars was upside down on it's hood. Then the rest of the way was mixed weather.

Posted: June 28th, 2005, 10:43 pm
by Taras
It's a boy alright...... a crazy one too, just like Dan.
Coming back to Victoria on Monday, it was grey, foggy, and later on a steady shower. I was still missing Kelowna and its sunshine badly.

Posted: June 29th, 2005, 11:10 am
by wyldside
I had nothing but rain when I left Kelowna on Tuesday. Rain the whole way home. They finished putting in a new gas line across my driveway when I got home and ended up getting stuck in the mud. I'm sure my neighbours loved having my rev and roar my engine as I tried to get out. Got home safe and sound though. I'll be working on sizing images for the website when I get home from work tonight. Keep the videos coming. I'll be putting together a video of all the footage from everyone.