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wtf is this thing?

Posted: June 26th, 2005, 8:29 pm
by Hoodzy

the little hole doodad??? my carpet hasa little flap to cover it

Posted: June 26th, 2005, 10:27 pm
by neutral
You didn't touch it.

I hope...

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 12:05 am
by Hoodzy
i poked it a bit
why what does it do!?

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 12:24 am
That is the exhaust gas preventer. It keeps the exhaust from coming back into the hatch and killing you. If you touch it you need to clean it with a high concentrate grease remover right now to keep it functional. All hatch backs have them. The grease from your fingers will mess up the air flow between the outside and inside air and cause the exhaust gasses to get trapped inside the car.
:!: :!: :!:

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 12:24 am
by Grants
Poked it? Only with your finger I hope, should be careful with it....

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 1:17 am
by atlantamx3
Yeah that was pretty brazen of you to touch the Exhaust Gas Preventer (commonly called the EGP) with your bare hand.

Be hopeful that you did not already ruin it- a new one from Mazda (last time I checked) was almost $200. Mazda only made a few more than the total amount of MX-3's produced and due to the extreme rarity, most parts warehouses havent even heard of em. There are no aftermarket replacements- onyla MAZDA certified part and like I said, they are expensive and rare.

Do what Pat said and clean it (quickly.. the longer the oil from your hands is left on the EGP the worse it will be) and then be sure to put the plastic covering back over it and make sure its sealed tightly like it is supposed to be from the factory with the tar sealant. this too must be done with a quickness- it was not designed to be exposed to light for long either- so make sure you secure the rear carpet back in its factory position as well.

Good luck man.

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 1:24 am
by V8KOMX3
HAHAHAHA that is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life HAHAHA.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 2:29 am
by reaper of souls
don't worry too much about it i remove it from my friends civic when we were making his sub box it helps to get rid of the water we had to use for the air volume mesurements. anyway we lost the stupid plug so i just fiberglassed the hole closed no harm done at all and that car has been like that for about two years now

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 3:04 pm
by Hoodzy
haah wicked

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 3:42 pm
by MX-3 Money
atlantamx3 wrote:Yeah that was pretty brazen of you to touch the Exhaust Gas Preventer (commonly called the EGP) with your bare hand.
But how the hell was he suppost to know what it is, I don't know and I'm sure lots of ppl on this board know. It was no warning or extra cover to protect it. So why would you say that like he should have knowen better, like if you were talking down to a child? Now i'm sure if it was dammaged it would be really bad and need to be repaired, but what if something you had in your hatch spilled and had a worse effect then just finger oils? I'm sure it wouldn't be that critical of a part. So next time someone askes a simple question about something he/she would like some helpful knowledge about, try to be nice about it. Its people like you who make asking a simple question on this bored such a pain in the a--.

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 4:31 pm
by atlantamx3
Oh chill out man.

Its people like YOU who make the board such a stuffy place. :roll:

Its a freaking joke. The guy was jking around about it too saying that he poked at it and di the LOL thing.

So calm down already- its supposed to be funny.

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 4:52 pm
by ccreech
This place would be dull if we couldn't have a little fun every now and then. I know 2 of the guys that posted and they try that crap with me all the time. It is just good natured humor. Like change your blinker fluid dude. If Hoodzy had his feeling hurt I am sure that these guys would stand in line to appologize to him. You can usually tell when someone is messing with you. Especially with outrageous claims like your finger oils will mess it up. Anyways...Be nice you Fockers!

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 8:03 pm
by MX-3 Money
atlantamx3 wrote:Oh chill out man.

Its people like YOU who make the board such a stuffy place. :roll:

Its a freaking joke. The guy was jking around about it too saying that he poked at it and di the LOL thing.

So calm down already- its supposed to be funny.
Guy your so just covering up for yourself now, how in your first post is there any indication that it was supposed to be a joke and you can't say that making a ridiculous clam like "finger oils" would indicate that you were joking cuz people will believe it. Well if this is your form of humor, I just don't get it. SOME people not ALL on this forum need to get some better manners. And if you think i'm to "stuffy" so be it, I'll just keep making jokes WITH people not AT them.

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 8:17 pm
by Hoodzy
ahha u guys are great!! :lol:

Posted: June 27th, 2005, 8:34 pm
by atlantamx3
MX-3 Money wrote:
Guy your so just covering up for yourself now, how in your first post is there any indication that it was supposed to be a joke and you can't say that making a ridiculous clam like "finger oils" would indicate that you were joking cuz people will believe it. Well if this is your form of humor, I just don't get it. SOME people not ALL on this forum need to get some better manners. And if you think i'm to "stuffy" so be it, I'll just keep making jokes WITH people not AT them.
Just because you ran out and checked YOUR EGP right after you saw this post- dont take it out on me. :lol:

You didnt touch the EGP with your bare hands too did you?

And I beleive that I wasnt the only one to joke with Hoodzy... I just continued the fun.