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MX-3 UBB getting badmouthed on EBAY!!!

Posted: June 12th, 2005, 6:48 pm
by neverenuff
As we all know this person has been making CF parts for the MX-3 and attempted to sell a few things on out UBB. Well not sure what went down but now hes selling on EBAY and well look at what he had to say about us. ... eName=WDVW

Now I must say This item is NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but damn.

Posted: June 12th, 2005, 7:28 pm
by sk8erdude28
Nice. I sohuld email him and get him to make stuff for Escorts

Posted: June 12th, 2005, 7:57 pm
by relisys_3200
Although his products may be nice, the way he tried to conduct business on this forum is the reason why he was banned. I would have no problem buying from him if he was legit, but his actions both here, and right there in his description on e-bay speak for themselves. If he was serious about making carbonfiber products for the mx-3, he would have understood the costs of advertising here, and to go by Jeff's rules. But instead, he insisted on registering under numerous names, and sending out pm's to everybody trying to "secretly advertise" (I personally received 2). He was also banned from probetalk 5 times if I do remember correctly. So if you do plan on buying from them, I would be very careful. As far as him badmouthing just showing his imaturity...not exactly a good way to conduct business. :roll:

Posted: June 12th, 2005, 9:33 pm
by mitmaks
well he migh be bad seller etc. but I see his products for mx3 and I like them.

Posted: June 12th, 2005, 11:23 pm
by fry_81
ya it is a shame that he wont be making more parts for the mx3 or doing business with this site, but he was just too shady about everything, trying to pm people for free advertising, thats just stupid. but who knows, this guy could still turn out to be a scammer, marshmallow or whatever his name was, was a prime example, he had pictures of parts, but did they happen? not a chance.

Posted: June 13th, 2005, 1:55 am
by Chronicle-Rod
Hah - screw that guy. With that attitude he was more than likely a scammer anyway. He had the option to get a lot of business from here by following some simple rules and instead he just pissed around until he got banned. Good riddance.

Look at how he's acting - you think he'd have any kind of refund/replacement policy when your part arrived all screwed up?

Posted: June 13th, 2005, 2:15 am
by Neil
If you guys asked Oscar(Pakfeifer) i'm sure he could setup group buys for almost anything in Carbon Fiber. the only thing is it would mean you would actually have to find serious buyers. not just people who want something in CF :P As for that guy bashing he can go fly a kite.

Posted: June 13th, 2005, 9:06 am
by ccreech
I wrote a little something to him when I saw that lip last week and I am getting the impression that he is a scammer just by how defensive he is being for no reason. I have given him the benefit of the doubt and he still acted just as imature as in his posts here and in his auction. If anyone wants to read this is what I said.

Hey man, i agree that a lot of the guys on were pretty harsh. However I think that Jeff was more than fair to you. In this world and especially that forum, trust has to be earned...especially when hard earned money is involved. It seems to me that you are being too sensitive about the situation. If you choose not to make parts for the Mx-3 that is your choice as a business man. I just think it is a little silly and immature to keep bringing it up like you are trying to make people feel bad about how skeptical of you they were. If you had heard the things that were mentioned about you...would YOU buy from you? It doesn't matter if it was all BS, the apperance of impropriety is enough to discredit someone...especially over the internet. I just want you to understand that, if only to help you in forums in the future. You absolutly have to prove yourself before people will buy from you. I saw that you sold the wiper cowl. Keep in touch with that guy and get a good recomendation from him and that will start the ball rolling in the right direction. It's not personal, its business.
i apreciate your opinion but i dont care, you can't tell me how to run my business. i understand the comunity is coming off of a wiper scam but that was not us and we should't be treated that way. disrepected my, my company and my website.

as for following the rules, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. i was 2 secs away from paypaling jeff, till i saw all the BS comments about me,my company and our website.

and i relize that there are tons more cars out there STILL IN PRODUCTION that would love for us to spend the time on new products for them.

like i said before we are made to order, if a mx3er wants something made thats not a problem but we have since given up on makeing new products such as projection headlights inlue of the forum's members
I said nothing about rules...I don't know what you are talking about there but...

You are stil being defensive when all I was trying to do was give you advice. I recommended that you keep in touch with the guy that bought the cowl as a good reference so that this doesn't happen in the future in other forums. I hear that you even lowered the price since that Jschr..dude jacked the price up on him. This is the image that you should want for your business, happy customers and being a nice guy. Not the fact that you have been banned on Probetalk 5 times. The point I am making is about you improving your image as a business man.

I know that you aren't doing anymore mx3 stuff and thats cool...I am writing to you so that you don't get this same treatment in the next car forum you go into...and you will if you have no good references and questionable ones from Probetalk and now

I didin't say one word about anything that you wrote back to me about. Did you read what I wrote you, or were you venting about other peoples complaints to you.
*Sniff Sniff* I Smell Something...Not sure what but it stinks.

Posted: June 14th, 2005, 3:04 pm
by freyguy_412
Undeserving rude community.... wow... Seems like he is just a little full of himself.

Come on man, in a world where Target wouldn't let the Girl Scouts of America sell cookies in front of their store this year, don't you think it would be just the polite thing to do to ask a forum owner before trying to use his site to further your own financial gain. Jesus Christ. But at least he did the adult thing in this situation (NOT!)

Posted: June 14th, 2005, 4:57 pm
by neutral
LOL This seller is a funny man and makes me smile.

Posted: June 14th, 2005, 5:47 pm
by Tunes67
Eh... the guy is a dork.. probably Shea's evil twin or something.. E-gay is a good place for him :roll:


Posted: June 18th, 2005, 4:32 am
by beacbum
My Favourite part about this "business man" is the way he writes his letters and replies. I think he needs to work on his spelling and grammer. Maybe he can't type properly because he is busy wiping the tears from his eyes, knowing that any day now, his dreams of selling any of his products are going to come to an end.

"i apreciate your opinion but i dont care, you can't tell me how to run my business. i understand the comunity is coming off of a wiper scam but that was not us and we should't be treated that way. disrepected my, my company and my website.

as for following the rules, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. i was 2 secs away from paypaling jeff, till i saw all the BS comments about me,my company and our website.

and i relize that there are tons more cars out there STILL IN PRODUCTION that would love for us to spend the time on new products for them. "

like i said before we are made to order, if a mx3er wants something made thats not a problem but we have since given up on makeing new products such as projection headlights inlue of the forum's members

Funny Guy! Maeyb i can tri makeing sum of this producets and run my own busyniss to. Haha!

I understand that a lot of people type quick and there may be many errors, but come on.... he is trying to sell a product and run a business here! I wouldnt buy from him, just because of that! His products do look very sharp, but he seems to lack professionalism.

Posted: June 21st, 2005, 8:10 pm
by Kokiriwave
.....I think the mx-3 community kinda lucked out, we could have had another supplier, but with the whole wiper scam a lot of people seem pissed off....

either way the end result is no parts for mx-3s which i think is a loss for everyone, and him with no $$$...too bad..

Posted: June 22nd, 2005, 4:06 pm
by Gro Harlem
Who gives a s---. He's been banned from, Mazdaworld, Probetalk, numerous other forums.

He's a prick who isn't willing to donate anything to forums. I guess he's too stupid to realize this and other websites COST MONEY TO MAINTAIN, and he only has one goal: Make money by selling s---! Its typical that vendors pay something when they sell s--- on a forum, thats how pretty much every forum is.

This guy is just an assclown.

Posted: June 22nd, 2005, 4:24 pm
by ccreech
:lol: AssClown :lol: That was the impression I got too.