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Tips on buying a V6

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 6:12 pm
by AZ-3,1498cc,UK
I viewing a car to buy at a 91 V6 tommorrow on 90000miles any tips on what to look out for e.g engine condition?

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 6:16 pm
by vozaday2000
look for leakage of any fluids, look for dents in oilpan. mostly the only way you can tell what the engine is like is the outside unless you drain the oil and put a magnet in to check how much filings come out of the oil. if there is alot then it has alot of wear and if there isn't a whole lot then looks good

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 9:35 pm
by SimonPK
best thing is to take it on a test drive and find a fast downhill stretch - put it is 3rd at around 50 - 60 mph or so and let the engine slow the car down the hill. Near the base of hill give it full throttle whilst watching the rear view mirror - if you see any blue smoke walk from the deal or get a big discount in the asking price - this little test shows if the rings or valve guides are ok or not,

good luck

Posted: May 2nd, 2005, 3:40 am
by UK_MX3
how much are you paying???

be very carefull as unfortunately with that kind of mileage are cars are worth relatively nothing in the uk :( glass's is about £800 at trade for one about 96.

you can buy cheap ones with low mileage on ebay.

also one way you can get skanked with the mx v6 is the person will put high viscosity oil in to quieten the engine. but once you run it for a while you'll find that the engine taps like hell! this is just a way of masking the hla tick ( i think it's called)

also check for rust! from one's i viewed the rear arches take alot... and some had bubbles on the hood and around the sunroof.