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R.I.P 94 GS

Posted: April 16th, 2005, 9:07 pm
by ratkon
My brother was here for a visit and his truck died.He had to get back to to work in Ft McMurray,so me being the nice guy that I am told him to take my baby.(Ya,I should have know better)Anyway,he rolled it.So far all I know is its a total write off.Bro is banged up a bit (he will be banged up alot when he gets out). Story Im getting,he was drinking a few cold ones (more banging from big bro for that ) The so called good news is i have a 94 GS I was planning on fixing up for my son,no where near as clean as my baby,but has potential.I had my baby since 95.From now on the only a-- that touches the drivers seat of anything I own is mine.Im sure everyone heard this many times before,dont F*#^ing drive if your drinking. :throwup:

Posted: April 17th, 2005, 12:52 am
by Tunes67
Sorry for your loss man.. I cant even fathom the rage I would feel if I was in your situation, brother or not. For your sake.. I hope your bro has deep pockets.. heh.. for his sake too ;) Best of luck man.


Posted: April 17th, 2005, 1:31 pm
by MX-West Car Club
Sorry to hear that your bro totaled your car. When you're done knocking some sense into him. Make him pay you back for all the time and effort you've put into the car. Also make him help you fix up the 94 GS.

Posted: April 17th, 2005, 2:55 pm
by Tunes67
I agree.. make him pay for it all.. even if you have to go through the courts.. I realize he is your Bro and that you are a nice guy. But if you dont nail him to a wall on this.. he wont learn anything from it. At least my younger brother wouldnt. But thats another story ;) Best of luck man.


Posted: April 17th, 2005, 5:45 pm
by ratkon
Believe me,he will pay. :x Hopefully I can get this car looking good in time for the Kelowna meet.