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Posted: April 9th, 2005, 11:23 pm
by mitmaks
Anyone else heard of law that cop isnt supposed to follow you more than 2 miles (pacing) to pull you over?

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 1:02 am
by lucky13
i have herd that. its like intrapment

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 1:08 am
by mitmaks
any info on any sites that I can look up, this is very important to show to judge as my friend was illegally stoped by prick undercover cop

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 1:36 am
by Chronicle-Rod
Pretty tough to prove they were following you, and not just driving along. Also - to be pulled over, your 'friend' had to do what was it?

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 1:45 am
by mitmaks
Its been proven that hes been followed, hes got it taped, now just need to find about that law and hes "clean" Cop was just a prick, its not hard to get pulled over in WA for just having nice car (hes got restored Charger) When I drive mx-3 every cop looks over, some even pull me over, but thats another story

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 3:16 am
by Tunes67
Heh.. Stay off Division Street and you wont have as many probs Mitmaks.. I havent been in spokane for a bit over a year now.. but before that I made many regular trips upto chewtown (chewelah.. I call it chewtown cause everytime I was there I saw someone chewing tabacco and spittin all over the place..) But every time I went up Division.. cops all over the place and on friday nights.. dude.. the Ricers that race up and down that street are all over the place.. I narrowly avoided 3 accidents on that road.


Posted: April 10th, 2005, 11:57 am
by ScooterBovine
I heard that it was against the law to be pulled over by anything other than a marked police car.

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 3:16 pm
by freyguy_412
my friend was illegally stoped by prick undercover cop
I've never heard of it being illegal for a cop to stop somebody. They just have to show cridentials and identify themselves as a Peace Officer.

Are these Can or US laws? I've never heard the one about the unmarked police car. I know if you are being pulled over by an unmarked car, you have the right to contact your local emergency number (911 in US) and inform them of your situation to confirm the cop is a real cop, you just have to slow down and put your hazards on or something to show him you intend to stop.

To the best of my knowledge, a cop has every right to follow you. I've heard people say it isn't true, but a cop will follow you if he has "reasonable suspecion" you have or are about to commit a crime (trust me... I've done a lot in my youthful days... only 17 year old I've known who has experienced a "Full Felony Stop" via the Reno Police Dept) What was your friend cited for? How many units were on scene for the stop? Often times a cop will just follow you while he is running your plates through his dispatcher or computer, and if something suspecious comes up he will make sure back up is en route before he attempts the stop.

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 5:23 pm
by 93SOHC
I believe that it is illegal for them to follow you around "x" amout of turns, but not in a strait line. Not sure, just kinda word of mouth info

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 6:35 pm
by ScooterBovine
I looked into it more deeply. Turns out that in Ohio, a police cruiser has to have a distinguisable mark or color of some sort, as well as a flashing light, like the red or blue single ones on top of the car. I've heard of undercover cops in mustangs pulling people over, and it turns out to be illegal, but they get away with it because people don't know any better.

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 7:51 pm
by Chronicle-Rod
Undercover cars have flashing lights, usually hidden in the grill - but requiring them to be a certain colour or have some sort of badging on them is too stupid to be real. How much of a ghost car would they be then? :p

Posted: April 10th, 2005, 8:23 pm
by johnnyb
most undercover cars do have a distinguishable mark, around here anyway... if you inspect the undercover cars car companies put a little badge on it that identifies it as a police car (Crown vics have a police interceptor badge on them). I'm not sure what the chrysler or chevy police cars say but I'd say they probably have something similar

Posted: April 11th, 2005, 1:37 pm
by Flashpoint2
I've been pulled over so many times.. for NOTHING. My job required me to be on the streets late (call centre, work till 2 am), and I get pulled over simply for being out at that time.. I get so angry!! I thought cops had to have some sort of reason to pull you over, other than "young guy in a sports car at night"
piss me right off.

Posted: April 11th, 2005, 2:00 pm
by Tunes67
Heh.. back in my V8 hot rod days.. I had what I will refer to as "Rock Star" Hair.. Driving a patchwork primer & blue nova that gave every indication that it could launch at high rates of speed..

Now that my friends is a recipe for getting pulled over constantly LOL For the 2 years I had my hair that long (down to my waste in back) I was pulled over at least once a week.. considering I only got 2 speeding tickets in that time frame.. I think I did pretty well overall ;) Sometimes I think Cops just have nothing better to do.. Donut shops are out of donuts or something.. yeah its a stereotype.. and I have indeed met a few cops that were really cool... but the majority of them seem to have SPS (Small p*nis syndrome) or something where they have to power trip on you to compensate. I cant tell you the number of times I have heard the "Do you realize your car is a speeding bullet that cant be stopped"? speech. Smile & Nod.. sorry officer..

Btw.. I developed a routine that for the most part kept me out of trouble with cops..

1) When their lights start flashing.. pull off immediately.. the quicker you do this.. for whatever reason.. the cops seem nicer.
2) Always be polite.. And imply that you dont know you have done anything wrong. Example... "Good morning officer.. what seems to be the problem?"
3) If the cop pulled you over because of a malfunctioning light.. ask him if its ok if you check it there on the spot. I had one cop that was going to write me a ticket for having a tail light out, I had extra bulbs in the trunk and I asked if he would mind if I checked it.. I fixed it.. he saw that it was working and got polite and tore up the ticket.
4) If the above steps dont keep you from getting a ticket.. wait until AFTER you have signed the ticket and been given your copy BEFORE you tell the cop he is a bloody a**hole. ;)


Posted: April 11th, 2005, 4:47 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Tunes67 wrote:I cant tell you the number of times I have heard the "Do you realize your car is a speeding bullet that cant be stopped"?
I don't get what's that suppose to mean, are your brakes not working or something? Even then, a brick wall will stop you pretty good...