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Got a reply from playstation re: mx-3

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 11:33 am
by Franko
I wrote sony a little while ago just out of bordem mostly and to see what they would say.
Here is my original message:
Message from Consumer:
Somehow I dont think that this will ever get to the developer or anything due to the game being
japanese and all I just didnt know where else to send a question.
Well its not so much a question as it is a rant. It involves Gran Turismo 4, I bought the game when
it came out hoping that it would have my model of car in it, a Mazda MX-3. I know it may seem kind
of stupid but it is really the main reason I got it. Ive been looking at 'unoffical' car lists for
over a year and they always included the mazda mx-3. I couldent wait to drive my car in a game. I
was so hyped about it but once again to my dismay the mx-3 was nowhere to be found in the game. I
just was just curious why this car keeps getting overlooked by game designers. I see the strangest
kinds of cars in the game that no one would ever use but still no mx-3. I suppose this is kind of a
rant but it just upset me a little is all.
And heres the message I got back..

Thank you for writing us.

We appreciate your enthusiasm for Gran Turismo(TM)4. All of the automobiles and their respective
manufacturers, sponsors, and advertisers featured in this game have been selected through careful
licensing requirements, as well as a fee-based participation requirement, which is ultimately
decided upon the individual car manufacturers and participating sponsors.

If you do not see a particular automobile manufacturer in the game, it is a decision based by either
the manufacturer of the car, the developer(s) of the game, or both. In addition, there is a big
collaborative effort with everyone from developers and publishers to individual car manufacturers
and advertisers; therefore, the process to decide if a certain model or a manufacturer will be
included in Gran Turismo 4 is not as simple as it may appear.

Lastly, there are various other factors such as time constraints, legal requirements, and other
licensing issues which has to be accounted for when developing and publishing a game as detailed and
realistic as Gran Turismo 4.

If you have further questions regarding this message, please refer to your email case
Well, thats a pretty good answer I guess. Still annoying though. :P

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 1:02 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Nice, I'm impressed that they got back to you.

Personally, I would finialize a responce like so:

"I guess I kind of got over-excited. I guess that happens when you drive a car that always get's overlooked by game developpers. The only time an Mx-3 was in a game was back with the original Road Rash (insert link or attach screenshot of roadrash here). As much and I would to plead to get this car into a game, it would be useless, and very embarassing. I guess the real thing I'm looking for is more of a reason why, than actually getting one in a game. Being a 13yr old car, and out of production for 8 years in North America, 6 years in Japan, it hard to imagine why it's been constantly overlooked and/or neglected. They even use it to celebrate Mazda's 25th anniversary in Canada.

I doubt I'll get any further in my question for the answer, but I appreciate taking the time to respond."

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 4:28 pm
by johnnyb
you know tht answer doesnt satisfy the question though

Lastly, there are various other factors such as time constraints, legal requirements, and other
licensing issues which has to be accounted for when developing and publishing a game as detailed and
realistic as Gran Turismo 4.

They continually put the games release off so what time constraints would there be? Legal requirements? They just need to tell mazda instead of putting 400 miatas in the game they're throwing in an mx-3 and mx-6 and having 398 miatas instead, that takes care of the fees they may have to pay and licensing is all done through mazda so whats the big deal here. Why not instead of having 10 of one car have 1. That way you can fit a manufacturers full lineup in the game.

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 5:27 pm
by DavidOS
johnnyb wrote:you know tht answer doesnt satisfy the question though

Lastly, there are various other factors such as time constraints, legal requirements, and other
licensing issues which has to be accounted for when developing and publishing a game as detailed and
realistic as Gran Turismo 4.

They continually put the games release off so what time constraints would there be? Legal requirements? They just need to tell mazda instead of putting 400 miatas in the game they're throwing in an mx-3 and mx-6 and having 398 miatas instead, that takes care of the fees they may have to pay and licensing is all done through mazda so whats the big deal here. Why not instead of having 10 of one car have 1. That way you can fit a manufacturers full lineup in the game.
couldnt have said it better LOL at 400 miatas.

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 8:01 pm
by Chronicle-Rod
Polyphony Digital are the developers, you should send them a letter instead of "playstation"

Try sending one to the team working on Forza Motorsports for the Xbox as well. While there's no way it'd be in time to get a MX-3 in this year, maybe it could be added as a download or expansion pack, or in the next version.

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 8:47 pm
by atlantamx3
That is simply a stock reply letter. It could be applied to any car. I am sure they have gotten all sorts of requests and complaints as to which car was left out and such.

Posted: March 31st, 2005, 12:12 pm
by Gro Harlem
generic reply obviously.

They probably have a few, that one being their "if someone asks: why wasn't so-and-so car in the game...reply with this"