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Posted: March 29th, 2005, 4:17 am
by Chadley

Posted: March 29th, 2005, 4:40 am
by Grants
You sold your cheap nasty gutless mx3! Well said! Always good to go out on a positive note!


Posted: March 29th, 2005, 5:26 am
by Chadley

Posted: March 29th, 2005, 6:31 am
by Grants
Some real nice people on here too, but you're not one of them
You got a real problem you know. I never said anything bad against you whatsoever until you came out and accused me of talking out my arse and then you insinuated I crawled out from under a rock. Until then I had only made one response to you and that was for assistance that you had asked for. Go back and read the posts again. My reply to your abuse seems to have effected you very badly - you feel as if I have no right to defend myself against such base, offensive and unasked for insults.

You're probably right about there being weirdos hanging about "these" forums. Depending on your perception of a "weirdo", they're also on every bus, every train, on every street. Its called life. I don't understand why you'd come onto a forum such as this and expect everyone to be nice to you while you think you can insult who you wish for no reason. Or is just being the tough guy? The untouchable cyber thug? I'd call that weirdo behaviour. You seem to made lucid comments and then snap - I'd also call that weirdo behaviour.

And yes there is going too far - your recent verbal insult against a fellow member followed by a physical threat is appalling behaviour. Much, much too far and worrying as to what your mindset must be.

Posted: March 29th, 2005, 7:32 am
by Chadley

Posted: March 29th, 2005, 8:51 am
by jschrauwen
Wohhhhh, what did I just walk into the middle of? Chadley, sorry to hear you're leaving and that you were not 100% satisfied with the MX. I guess we all can't expect everyone to share the same fondness for our rides to the same level as we do. I'm not sure what the motives were for posting a parting thread like this, but I'd like to think they were of a positive nature for a positive reason. All the best in your search for that perfect ride that will get you back and forth from your GF's in the style, performance and comfort that you desire, cheers M8.


Posted: March 29th, 2005, 5:27 pm
by Grants
Follow you about??? Haha don't flatter yourself.

I'm a pain in the arse cause I call you on your offensive insults - only time I respond to your posts. Like now when you shitbag the mx3. I wouldn't have commented if you had said something like "I prefer a more modern interior and I find the car lacks the power I want". Instead you just gotta say you hate the interior and its totally gutless. If thats not enough you gotta add its sluggish and the slowest car you've owned.

Sounds like you got out of it ok with a small profit. Your mistake buying a car unsuitable for your needs - you don't need to come onto a site that is dedicated to this car and criticise it. Thats also critisism of all of us who frequent this site because we love the mx3.

Re: MX3 Sold, Hooray!!!!!

Posted: March 29th, 2005, 9:40 pm
by jschrauwen
Chadley wrote:1, Hating the interior more and more each day
2, It's totally gutless.
3, Too many pricks on these forums.
Other than that it's been kinda fun. Good luck with all of your cars!
Chadley wrote:If he gets away with it he'll find his forecourt cars with huge key marks down them and slashed tyres. Simple as that.
I stand back, I look at it, I read it and I get confused and I ask myself, "What is this person trying to say?, What kind of person would say something like that on this BB?, What is the reason or motivation behind all of of this?, And what do they hope to gain by saying that?

Posted: March 29th, 2005, 9:51 pm
by papa roached

Posted: March 30th, 2005, 3:09 am
by 93SOHC
someone really needs to moderate these threads... :roll:

Posted: March 31st, 2005, 11:55 pm
by DavidOS
ya totally moderate em..

give us his ip, so we can pretend to be police and call the ISP and get this guys name and address and kick have a good ole fashioned lynchin.